1• Babe?

237 11 0

Loura Markle aka. Lou

"Lou, speaker check went out on left side of balcony E," Max calls loudly over the blasting music. I pull my eyes from the mic I'm trying to fix. Ugh! I hate this. I toss the mic to Fred and head towards the ladder.

Fans chant the name of the band playing as the speakers blares. There's nothing but phone flashes moving in the crowd. This is pretty awesome, I'll admit but its stressful. Working back stage, something is bound to happen. Like a speaker going out, a artist mic going out, a broken light, Dj's equipment malfunctions, etc. Who do they call the most, fucking me! I'm the fucking call girl 24/7.

"Don't hurt your self, clumsy cunt," Fred calls on the walkie talkie. I turn and spot  him on the other side of the arena, I throw him the middle finger and he chuckles.

"Fucking faggot," I call back.

"You guys do know I'm on this channel and hear everything? Y'all never respect me!"  Max whines. I open the speaker base and observe it.

"We know, that's why we continue to do it," I chuckle out.

"I can just fire you all."

"I don't think so boss man." I don't necessarily need this job, I'm actually a photographer and work for a magazine, taking pictures of naked chicks for a living. I'm kidding, but I take pictures of whatever the magazine wants, and I get paid a decent amount of money.

"You'll love that wouldn't you big shot," Fred says. I ignore his snarky comment and stare at the poor wiring. Who the fuck was the last person to fix this thing? Whoever did this just shoved the wires in and that may have caused them to fry one another from over heating. I shake my head.

"Hey Max, the wires on this thing are fried, and the top plate coil is broken, this thing is wrecked."

"Clear. Okay, tell Skylar to order a new one."

"Got it." I climb down the stairs and head back to backstage. Once I get to the call office, away from the loud noises, I approach lazy Skylar as her eyes are glued to her phone.

"How were ticket sells?" I question towards Skylar and glance around curiously. She sees my observing and raise an eyebrow.

"It was well, sold out!" She groans. Skylar is a ticket booth clerk and a bit of an assistant. She puts in orders and answers calls and what not.

"She's in the office," she calls out randomly and I raise my eyebrows.

"What?" I question trying to act stupid.

"Jivney, she's in the office. She thought Rae Sremmurd was performing tonight and got a bit disappointed, but I know you were looking—" I shake my head.

"I wasn't!" I quickly state and she nods while looking back at her phone. I walk pass her and head to the back. I wait near the office door and push to knock but just enter instead. Jivney sits on the sofa. She's on FaceTime with someone. She doesn't notice me, rather smiles brightly and chat. She soon looks up at me and frowns a bit.

Man she's beautiful.

"Hey I'll call you back babe,"she says and hangs up.

"Do you want to come inside? I'll leave," she quickly says as she rises and heads for the exit but I block it by putting my back against the knob. My hands wrap around her waist as I try pulling her into me. She quickly pushes me away, yanking my hands from her waist.

That hurts a bit. I remember when she use to yearn for my touch. Wanting me to touch her everywhere and me enjoying it. The rolling of the eyes to the back of her head, squeezing and rubbing her soft spots. The grazing of her neck and the tight clenches of my shoulder blades.

"Babe?" I question rhetorically, dropping my hand to my side. She has a thing with someone now? And it's on terms of them calling one another "Babe".

"Lou, I'm not in the mood to play this game with you," she sighs frustratedly. Her face is blank and her lips are in a thin line as her eyes avoid mine. She tries to reach around me but I'm too quick and place my arm there.

"No, you're seriously in a relationship now?" I frown and run my fingers through my hair, I need a trim.

"Yeah." She answers roughly. Her nose flared and her cheeks heated red. Her fist clenched against her thigh. Do I cause that much of hate?


"Why?" She questions.

"Because." I reason.

"Why?" She questions, yet again.

"Just wanna know," I shrug.

"Yes," she simply says and squeezes pass me. I pull at her hand, but she yanks it out my grasp...again.

"It's best if we avoid each other,"she calls without looking over her shoulder and I just stare.

Okay maybe I was a bit of a dick. I didn't want any strings attached. I did like Jivney the very first time I laid eyes on her. She was an eager new employer here, sales ticket booth worker just like Skylar. She was very beautiful and I immediately made my move. At first I thought she wasn't into girls but she flashed me a big smile and blushed drastically when I told her I liked the case to her phone. It was a lousy excuse to talk to her.

Two weeks ago Jivney told me she loved me, and it was so unexpected and I didn't say it back because it would be a lie if I stated that, and one thing I promised her is that I'll never lie to her.

I hurt Jivney, like a lot. It's so much stuff I put her through and did to her that I wanted to make up for that, but I can't.

"Hey Lou, Max needs you!" Finn calls on the walkie talkie which makes me jump. I forgot this thing was still on.

"Yeah, coming," I says as I leave the office area. As I'm headed back towards to arena, Skylar eyes follow me curiously. I guess because Jivney just left in anger and then here I am looking stupid.

"Lou you're—" she tries.

"I'm fine Skylar, I'll see you later."

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