17• Last Night was Fun

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It was a better encounter, but was it really? Why do I feel guilty? I awake with the sun from my window creeping into my bedroom. My naked body laced with Lou's. She's half naked, her black briefs are the only thing she wears, her chest fully exposed. She looks nice sleeping, she looks peaceful. She also has some nice tits. Damn, how are they that small. It's like she knew to stop growing them because she needed to pull off the male look more.

"Why did I let this happen?" I question to myself. I think about how the events unfolded, rather taking pleasure from this situation, I feel guilty. I invited her up to my apartment. We drank wine, she ate her takeout. I kinda ate it with her after we smoked some pot.

"What happened then?" I question to myself, as if I'm investigating myself about the events that unfolded last night.

I started talking about how much I like Mikah. How beautiful her burgundy locks are. I clearly explained what I liked about her in the most detailed way ever. Lou then challenged me, asking me what I liked about her. I started to say I liked her hair, her great talent of taking photos, quirky attitude and beautiful smile.

She then told me what she likes about me. My shy attitude, when she first met me, my weird stuttering thing when I'm nervous, my soft lips that she dreams about kissing all the time. She then leaned forward and placed her lips on mine. Her lips were really soft. I couldn't pull away because I enjoyed it, a lot, and I knew I shouldn't but I did. So much, I forgot about Mikah, I knew we weren't dating but deep down, like really deep down I knew it was wrong.

Her lips kissed mine hungrily, her hot wet lips soon trailed down my neck. My vagina responding for me before I could.

Her hands roam over my body, groping and touching my boobs roughly. She pulls me to straddled her lap. Our breath racing rapidly. I couldn't pull away, and I don't think she could have either. She unbuttons my blouse ripping it open to expose my laced bra.

I finally realize what is happening and pull away, which only makes her groan out. She tries to catch my lips with hers but I pull away again.

"I can't," I whisper out of breath. I rest my hand against my forehead as I still sit straddled in her lap.

"Why not?" She questions in a moaning tone, almost disappointed that I stopped the hot making out. I pause for a second, to wrap my head around what we're doing, and my position of straddling her lap with my shirt ripped opened.

"We just c-can't!" I stutter out. I try to button up my shirt my hands are shaky and won't let me. Why would I do this to myself, I thought.

"Elgrid, why not?" Lou says while pulling my hands to my sides. She stares at me puzzled,

"I-I just literally l-left a date with Mikah," I whimper out, my stuttering taking a toll on everything. She rolls her eyes and throws her head back, letting out a frustrated grunt. She stays like this for awhile and finally looks back at me.

"Actually she left the date," she adds matter-of-factly, bringing in a attitude. I shake my head.

"Because she had to tend to some things," I quickly defend her.

"You guys aren't even dating, are you?" I shake my head no because it's true, we haven't made it official, we've only been on 2 and a half dates, the thought of a relationship hasn't even been mentioned, but I feel like I still owe her something, she clearly likes me a lot, and well I like her.

"Then it's fine! I want you right now, and I know you want me, I know you want this to happen so just—" she kisses the nape of my neck, pulling me back into the intense make-out session. I fall so deep into the hole that I can't pull out again, I need this to happen. I haven't been laid in a minute, there's probably cobwebs down there. I let her take control and do whatever she pleases to my body.

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