23• Nicknames and Runways

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"Baby?" I shake my head no.

"Babe?" I shake my head no.

"Sweetheart?" I make a yuck face. Right now I'm laying in the park with Mikah. She took me out for a picnic, which I've never experienced before. It was a really sweet gesture, plus she brought all of my favorite foods, like mangos and pineapples. A new addiction she has me hooked on, Seaweed chips, so good.

"Mi hermosa?" I cock my head sideways.

"Doesn't that mean my beautiful?" She nods as she snags a sip of my smoothie.

"You're very beautiful, you're my beautiful girlfriend," she adds, which cause a blush to rise on my cheeks. She thinks I'm beautiful, she's stunning.

"Thanks mango," I laugh out. She raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah because I like mangos, and also I like you," I state which makes her grin. She stares at me with a humorous look. The sun hitting her skin so beautifully, which makes her hip her eyes.

"Okay so why not seaweed, since you like seaweed chips? Pineapples? Pomegranate?" I roll my eyes st her silly ways. She bends down to place her lips onto mine. I intake the long lustful kiss.

"Mhmm, taste like mangos just like my mango." She breaks into laughter. There's a moment of silence, us just intaking the scenery and the fresh smell of spring. Winter was long, and exhausting, but we made it. We just listen. To the laughter of the kids not too far playing with the dogs. Bikes passing by.

"Hey so I have to tell you something because—" she begins, but my phone begins to vibrate. I quickly answer it. I motion for her to give me one moment which she nods.

"Yeah Bryan?" I grunt out. He's interrupting my romantic date with Mikah. I swear I'm going to strangle him.

"Where the hell are you? I texted you that I was downstairs 15 minutes ago." I glance at my watch.

"Bryan, it's only 2:44 PM, you said we had to be there by 4?"

"Yeah and it takes an hour and a half to get there," he cries out.

"No it doesn't, it's in Manhattan, that's only like 35-40 minutes away," I grunt out.

"Yeah and with New York traffic it's going to an hour and a half, plus you have to get dressed, and lord knows it takes you hours just to do one side of your face." He fires back. Okay, that is true. New York traffic really be at its worst, especially on a Tuesday evening, oh god help me. Plus, I do not take that long to do my makeup.

"Okay okay, calm down, I'll be there in a minute," I quickly call out. I can tell he's panicking. He has to be there on time because he's front and center of the people who sit well, up front and center. My best friend is slowly making his way to the top, I'm proud.

"Everything okay?" She questions weary. I nod, I eat one last pineapple before rising.

"I-I uh, have to go to this fashion show with Bryan and I was apparently suppose to leave 15 minutes ago." She nods understanding the situation.

"This was lovely and romantic and I promise to call you later on tonight," I pout and so does she. Eyeing me with puppy dog eyes.

"Pinky promise?" She adds.

"Pinky promise," I say, interlocking our pinky's and then kissing her thumb. She smiles at the gesture, her purely white teeth revealing. Oh man that smile.


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