14• Glad You Like My Buns

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I don't necessarily know what you're suppose to say when someone invites you to a funeral to be their date. That's weird.

"2 dates in 1 week, with two different people, wow." Bryan teases as he hands me a black pencil skirt. He points toward some Louis opened toe black pumps. He grabs a white open-cut shirt and crystal sheared earrings and sets it down.

"Thanks Brian and it's not a date, its a funeral." I defend in my honor as I pin up the back of my hair and curl the fallen strands.

"Well technically it's a date because you already stated that she asked you to be her date. Stating, and I quote, "she asked me to "entertain" her at a funeral, so she basically asked me to be her date." And that's what you stated." I stare at him astonished. He can remember quotes I stated, but can't remember my birthday or to have his article done.

"What are you doing? Taking notes on everything I say?" I grunt out as I on my shirt to toss on the one Brian laid out for me.

"Yes, that's what best friends are for." No they aren't,
He abuses his power as my best friend a little too much.


How are you late to a "date" and a funeral at the same time. I don't even know the guy and I arrived early. I glance around for the girl Lou, but she's nowhere in sight. I've been looking toward the entrance for the pass 10 minutes. This is angering me. Not only am I near an annoying kid who keeps picking his nose while looking up at me, I'm near a woman who keeps sobbing and leaning on me for support. I don't mind it, but she's a bigger woman, and my shoulder is starting to hurt.

"Hey. You look beautiful by the way." Someone whispers into my ear, causing me to jump. Their hand snakes around my shoulder blade. The smell of fresh mint and kiwi shampoo fills my nostrils. I glance beside me only to become face to face with Lou who holds this boyish smirk on her face.  She chews her gum so obnoxious as she stares at me. I guess she doesn't believe in personal space or boundaries. The kid beside us stare curiously at the two of us.

I glance at her ulterior. A black button up with a black blazer and black ripped skinny jeans with black and white converse. No sense of effort put into her outfit, yet she pulls it off so effortlessly and well. Her hair in a neat mini bun with the back freshly trimmed. Her stud earrings brings her features together. My eyes travel to her hazel eyes. Her long eyelashes wear mascara, shockingly. It enhances them and make them look like golden specks.

Her cheeks hold the deepest left dimple as she stares at me staring at her observing every feature upon her, from the freckle on her lower right jaw—to the scar on the lower part of her left cheek.

"Are you done checking me out El?" She questions, breaking me out of my thoughts. She knows my name? I thought I was just a random person she antagonized and later decided that it would be a good idea to invite to a funeral.

"Great time for you to show up to your friends funeral," I mutter annoyedly.

"Oh he wasn't my friend, I didn't really talk to
him, I just worked with him. I don't even think he liked me to be honest." I stare baffled at her honesty. She ignores my glare and looks behind us curiously, almost as if she's looking for someone.

"Why invite me then? Why are you here?" She turns back to me and raise her perfect eyebrows either the slits.

"You ask a lot of questions, you know that?" She oddly states. Well I have to, it doesn't make any sense why she'll be attending a funeral of a guy she didn't really communicate with or wasn't fond of her. I pull away from her, leaning more closer to the sobbing woman.

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