5• Kickbacks and Relax

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I woke up with Natalie hair twined with my fingers. I grunt out at the sunlight and my alarm clock ringing. After I left my moms house I went to grab a few beers and had a late night call from my friend and now I'm here. She moans softly and pulls herself from under me.

I gather all my things and throw them into my basket and head for a quick shower. Once I'm done I leave $10 dollars on my counter top with a note saying: cab fare, good morning, lock up.

I have a lot of errands to run, first one is picking up the check from the magazine, and sending the guys their money.

New York traffic is well—New York traffic . Rush hour is a dreadful day, but luckily it's just Sunday and everything is controllable.

I park in the very over charged parking area and jog towards the door a man was holding for me.

"Thanks man," I say and enter. The regular front entrance. The assistant motions for me to go up because I come here regularly and he knows from our first encounter not to be a dick.

I greet the receptionist and she hands me the envelope. I thank her and peek into the office area. Where you see people at their desk typing on their screens.

"Hey, is Engrid here?" I question out of curiosity. She stares at me confused. I honestly don't know her name, but it had a 'grid' at the end.

"Engrid?" She questions with confusion and I shrug.

"She's about 5'4, skinny, brown curly hair?" I try to explain but she just shakes her head at my description.

"Oh, Elgrid, no, but if I do, would you like me to leave her a message?" I shake my head and exit the floor.


"You know Jessie likes you right?" Bryan says stupidly. I scroll on my laptop looking for some common trends in the internet right now, while  Bryan sits on my desk taking magazine quizzes online. Everyone else is just in there own world, as usual.

"She does not, not every gay person hits on me Bryan," I say annoyedly. He's been saying this for awhile, but I just don't see it. Jessie is nice, she has always been kind to me, but I feel it's her job. She's the errand girl, well basically the assistant for us people who just work for the magazine and don't actually have a higher up position. She grabs us coffee and lunch, she's our shadow when we're on photoshoots to manage time and make sure everything runs smoothly. She gets paid a great deal of money also.

Yes, Jess is gay. It basically seeps through her pores. Her Instagram is flooded with "non binary" quotes and multiple pictures of her tits out. She also post pictures of her enjoying life with her girlfriend and friends. She's also very spiritual, she goes on a lot of nature rituals and camping things. She invites Bryan and I to come but Bryan always says, "nun uh honey, I don't do bugs or leaves! And yes I am afraid of lions, tigers and bears so that means I shouldn't be in their habitat". He's so dramatic, but I agree, the hippie thing isn't really for me.

"You see how she treats you? Like royalty, she'll basically put her jacket over a puddle for you." He teases and I groan.

"She's just showing manners and being a good co-worker, something you need to learn how to do!" I turn in my chair to gather my photos from Bryan's desk. He was helping collage my piece together.

"I'm the best fucking colleague you have, why do you think we're besties!" He defends aggressively. I ignore him and mutter "we're not" under my breath and he doesn't catch it because he is still rambling, as usual.

"Bryan, Jessie has a girlfriend you know. She constantly post her 24/7 on her instagram. Her girlfriend is all she ever talks about, seems to me that she is in love!" I yell annoyedly. That gains me stares from Amber and Chad who desk are placed right across from mine.

"Tell her that, not me because apparently you're her—" Just as we're talking, Jessie walks up and smiles at me. I smile back. Don't get me wrong, Jess is very beautiful, her long blond hair is always tied in a messy bun, which she rarely takes down. Her eyes are a graying-silvery color, and her speckled cheeks are filled with freckles. She wears black rimmed gages and many other piercings in her ear.

Jess also has her own sense of style, she doesn't really have one specific type of clothing, one minute she's dressed like a hippie, next she's dressed in all black. She switches it up and often gets criticized by Bryan, who tells her she's going to look back at pictures of herself these days and regret her decisions.

"We were just talking about you." Bryan says as he leans against my desk with this huge smirk. I grunt and throw him a cold stare and he struts it off carelessly as he observes her head from toe. A tie-dye shirt with the word"Immortal" dripping down in white letters. Black skinny jeans ripped at the knees and black combat boots with multiple unnecessary zippers. They're very hideous but it's her style. She wears a tie-dyed head bandanna.

"Oh you guys were? I hope it was something good," she smiles goofily. Her purely white bucked teeth shows.

"Yeah, it actually was, El here was saying how she'll love to ride your ya—" I didn't let him finish. I chucked my pen at the side of his head. He burst into laughter as he rubs where the pen hit him. I swear he's fucking immature.

"What can I help you with today Jess?" I question and she raises an eyebrow skeptically. Her eyes shift from me to Bryan and then back to me.

"Well my homies are having a kickback tomorrow, was wondering if you guys would like to come? Bryan, this time it's not in the woods." He smiles bitterly at her and shifts his body to turn to me, I guess looking for my answer.

"Well tomorrow is Tuesday and—" before I could even protest or make an excuse, Bryan cuts me off.

"We'll be there!" He confirms and nods toward Jess. The corners of her mouth curl into a smile as she leans further into my desk.

"Great, I'll text you everything you would need to know, or you could just look on my Instagram," she speaks toward me and I nod, she throws me one last smile before she walks away.

"Thanks Bryan, you speak for me so well!"

"Elgrid, we are fucking grownups and you're still acting like we're in high school and have a curfew!" I actually have a curfew and a cat. That I have to show love and attention to because I leave him home alone for countless hours while I'm at work. Every time I come home to him he purrs and tells me, "why do you constantly leave me here alone? Don't you know I long for your love and affections."

I can hear Curtains saying that now.

"Stop having weird sexual fantasies about your cat! You're coming, end of this hodgepodge." He didn't even use that in the right context. This is why he's dumb now.

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