9• Layers of Ice Break

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I sit glaring at the girl as she constantly scrolls up and down the menu for the thirteenth time. We sit in the "Dig in" diner in a booth. I sit uncomfortably and stare at the two strangers seated in front of me. The guy stares upwards at the ceiling annoyed by the girls constant flipping of the menu. I kinda feel his pain, I'm sleepy and hungry all in one and I just wanna go home to my cat and my bed.

"Lou! Chose something now before me and the girl leave you here!" The guy grunts angrily.

"Hold your ball sack will ya." She grunts out. The waitresses comes back to our table for the 3rd time. She sits an extra glass of water onto the table in front of Lou. Seeing she's drunken 10 cups already. The guy says she's needs to flush whatever's in her system away.

"Are you gents and lady ready to order?" The waiter questions. I stare up at Lou and she eyes the woman rather annoyed.

"I'm actually a female," she states matter of factly.

"Oh, I'm sorry," the woman states sincerely.

"It's okay, doesn't mean I don't like them, Olivia is it?" Lou questions finally pulling her eyes from the menu and up at the woman's name tag. The woman looks down at her name tag and nods.

"What time do you get off from work beautiful?" Lou questions and the woman looks rather uncomfortable and scared.

"What can I get you?" She says ignoring the girls lousy flirting.

"You're one of those," She mutters and rolls her eyes.

"Excuse me?" The waitress states a bit offended. I would be too! What does that suppose to mean?

"She says nothing, she'll take chicken tenders. Right Lou, chicken tenders?" Fred soothes the waitress and Lou also. I swear, she's a complete bitch when she's drunk.

"Whatever dude." She folds her arms over her chest childishly and sinks into the booth.

"And you ma'am?" The waitress, who I now know name is Gina, turns to me. She waits patiently with her eyebrows raised. I can see it in her face that she's really fed up with our shenanigans, well the girls drunken shenanigans.

"A simple garden salad will be fine. For my dressing, raspberry vinaigrette," I state quickly to make her job less complicated. After I'm done stating my order, Lou burst out into laughter.

"We're at a 24 hour diner sweetheart, not red lobster," she snickers.

"We actually have that kind! Is that all for this table?"

"I'll have a double cheese burger," Fred states.

"Everything?" She questions.

"No pickles or tomatoes."

"Will your side be French fries or tater tots?"

"Fries please."

"Now...is that all?" Fred and I nod and she picks up our menus, snatching Lou's from her grip and walking away angrily. God I hope she doesn't spit in my salad.

"Seems like you had a good night." The girl calls out randomly. I stare at her completely confused and annoyed. I wish she'll shut up.

"What?" I question confusingly. Lou points toward my neck and raise her eyebrows. I pull out my phone and open my camera. There's a huge bruise on my neck. I pull my blue cashmere sweater up trying to "cover" the mark.

"You know, when I met you I thought you were this uptight, illiterate, disabled, freak who magically got a job at a magazine, most likely out of pity. But then you talked and I realized uptight was still on the table, but maybe you aren't slow...."

"What are you getting at here!" I hiss.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing. Just you're not what I expected,"

"You didn't know exactly who you were meeting that day, so you couldn't expect anything."

"I'm saying when I first saw you!"

"Oh well, uh never judge a book by its cover," I shrug and stare at the Fred guy. He looks everywhere else but at the two of us having our disagreement.

"Yeah, I guess so." She says as she tilts her head back against the booth and let it rest there.

"Is anyone else spinning?" She questions without even looking back at us. Fred and I remain quiet.

"Fred get up!" She yells as she quickly shoved him out the booth, rushing to the bathroom. The guy slides back inside the booth tiredly and rubs his neck. His eyes are extremely low and sleepy. He runs his hands over his short low fade hair and stares back at me.

"I'm sorry about her behavior, she usually isn't this rude and bitchy." Hm, is he sure about that statement. She said I needed an interpreter the very first day I met her and she was a bitch. But I guess that was my mistake because I miraculously forgot how to speak.

"Well this isn't her only time being an asshole to me."

"She's a good person once the layer of ice breaks." He assures.

"Yeah, sure." I murmur. I mean he doesn't necessarily have to explain things to me. I doubt we'll become friends. I try to avoid people like her.

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