2• Less Aggressive

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Elgrid Castle aka. El

"Elgrid, your story on the women's me too movement, "A Woman's Walk in History" was great, good job!" Gianni says as she grabs the cup of coffee from Jane, and walks pass my desk.

"Thanks Gia—" Before I could even finish my sentence, Gianni is pushing through her office door. The glass door closing abruptly.

"So what did she say?" Bryan, the office gossiping male, also my best friend, questions nosily as he approach my desk.

"She said good job," I simply say. Bryan rolls his eyes at my lack of detail, but I was only being honest, she did indeed say good job.

"Boring with the details...are we," he says and tosses a fluffy pen at me.

"You're such a nosy diva," I say and he grins and adjusts his "fake crown".

"So drinks after work today?" Ugh, I forgot today was Friday. Friday's are when Bryan drags me to bars after work to have one drink, but those 1 drinks end up being several. Well the whole office heads out. I look around as everyone is in their own bubble. Talking on the phone, typing, gossiping, nail filing. Common things that goes on in a magazine office area.

"Nah, I have to finish photoshopping a few picture ideas I'm trying to offer to Gianni for my next article."

"Blah blah blah, whatever, I guess I'll take Engrid." Engrid is my alter ego, what Bryan says is the the "fun side" of me. She only comes out when I am drunk. He also says majority of the time I have a stick stuck up my ass.

"I'm not getting drunk Bryan. Maybe Saturday?" I question and he shakes his head "no".

"I have a date!" He pouts adorably.

"With who?" I fold my arms and give him my undivided attention. He wears a perfect smile as he flutters his eyelashes dramatically.

" A guy by the name of David, " he blushes.

"Oh god, I hope it's Dave Franco!!" I joke. He rolls his eyes with s huge smirk.

"Oh how I wish child. I said David, not Dave," he smiles as he slides into his seat with a hand to the forehead. I shake my head at his ridiculousness and glance at the photos skeptically.

I swear these photos get terribly taken each time I glance at them.

"Hey, Elgrid, Gianni needs to have a quick conference with you," Jane says as she quickly rushes pass my desk. I nod and glance over at Bryan, who gives me a "oh shit" kind of look.

"Didn't you just speak with her?" He questions and I nod. He literally saw me conversing with her minutes ago. Maybe this conversation is meant to be discussed privately. I take a big gulp and walk towards her office door. It has to be something bad, if she couldn't tell me the details a few minutes ago when she commented on my piece.

I knock before I enter and she motions for me to come inside.

"Yes, Miley, we understand that putting your old drunken photos in the "Disney outrageous stars now" category was messy, and I'll be happy to fire who ever thought of the idea!"

"Okay, maybe I won't fire them but I'll tell them to not embarrass Koré like that any more."

"Okay, kisses!" She says as she quickly hangs up.

"Hi!" She says once her attention falls on me. I tense up and smile.

"Hello Gianni, how are you today, again?" I mutter the last part.

"Terrible, but you're not my therapist, so I don't get to tell you about my suicidal thoughts," she says as she chuckles humorously. I stare shockingly and she motions for me to join her laughter. I laugh a bit, but it's faked.

"I'm kidding, so what can I help you with?" I stare at her confused.

"You called me in—"

"Oh yeah, I did! Sorry, must be the Friday vibes. So your piece was excellent, as stated before, but..." There's a but? What did I do wrong? I began to overthink and zone out that I don't necessarily pay attention to her.

"Was too belligerent to the male species." I stare at her wide eyed and offended. What did she just say to me?

"Koré is an enterprise that's made just for women, from beauty tips to relationship advice, we live, breathe and work for that, but we don't want to make it seem as if we're antagonizing men out there in the world. We don't want to be seen as, forgive me for saying this, but a "feminism-nazi"." I blink twice while trying to gather my thoughts. Did she just basically describe me as a aggressive woman attacking men!?

"I'm not saying your intentions are to direct your anger towards men, for some personal reason, but to just bring it down a bit. You're an excellent writer, I wouldn't have hired you if I thought you couldn't pitch a killer idea and write a badass article!" I nod and straighten up in my seat. Okay the compliments are calling it here.

"Do we have a clear understanding of what is being stated?" I nod slowly and she smiles.

"Good, enjoy the rest of your evening love." She says that and I rise up and exit the office. A curious pair of eyes follow me. Bryan raises his eyebrows and I ignore them.

Okay, be less aggressive. I can do that! I can totally do that.

Wait, can I do that?

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