Chapter 13

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[ Sting's POV ] 

Hmm. I am so happy that Lucy is now my girlfriend but I have this feeling that Natsu-san is now also in love with her. I can let him take Lucy away from me, I finally have my true soulmate. 

[ Author's POV ]

The last game is won by Ren so by the rest of the day is all Fairy Tail's win. Of course after the first match and battle face-off Sabertooth didn't participate in any of the other matches. The other guild are too weak to face Sabertooth and Fairy Tail. The game is only for four days. After the third day of the GMG they will have a day break and the fourth day of GMG will be on the following day. 

After the third day ......

[ Lucy's POV ] 

" Sting, can we go somewhere for today I wan this break to be a real break ." I said.

" Well maybe we can go to the nearby water park located not for away from here ." he said.

" Minerva, maybe we can go on double date with them it will sound interesting ." Rufus told us. We agreed to that statement. So the plan for today is going on a lunch date then we will head to the water park. That sounds interesting, I would love that. 

We arrived at the restaurant where we want to eat our lunch together. This is first double date, funny huh ? A girl like me just went on a double date after years being single. 

" Lucy what do you want to eat ?" Sting asked me.

" Let me see,...... I want this tenderloin steak with barbeque sauce and french fries as the side dish ." I ordered. 

Then when we are talking some of my fan suddenly approach me and asked for my signature, they told me that I am pretty, kind and cool. Even on the fight I still hold my powers back making sure I don't go full power. My only full power is to defeat my mother's long last rival, Zeref. 

Talking about the date, we suddenly met Natsu and Lissanna. 

" Lucy, did they chant a spell on you that you wanted to stay with them ." Natsu said.

" Natsu, they don't and it is rude to say that you haven't change a bit huh ? Well I am changing I am not the old Lucy anymore, mind your language too, they are now my subordinates ." I said.


Sorry for the short and long updates. I have been eaten up by school work and hope you like the chapters make sure to comment your opinion and vote too. If possible share this story to your friends who is also interested in this kind of story. 

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