Chapter 3

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Louis' POV

His face dropped as he looked at something behind me, I turned to see what it was that he was looking at and saw Fizzy standing at my door. A noise was heard from the ground below me but when I turned back Harry wasn't there.

"Louis, mum wanted me- where are you!?" She scanned my room before her eyes landed on me, "What are you doing out there!??" I turned around completely so my body was facing her, "I was just getting by some fresh air, it's so nice and cool out here."

"Okay, whatever. I was coming in here because mum wanted me to let you know we've got a meeting Saturday night."

I nodded in response and dismissed her, as soon as she left I spun back around and called out for Harry. I heard a groan below me so I leaned forward on my knees with my hands supporting me. Looking down at Harry's backyard, I saw him sitting on the grass, covering his mouth. "Oh my gosh, Harry, are you okay?" I panicked, hoping he hadn't hurt himself.

All of a sudden Harry removed his hand and started laughing, hard. He rolled back a bit until he was lying flat on his back, still laughing about something and I had no idea what. I jumped down and landed on the grass between our houses.

Once I was next to him I grabbed his hand in an attempt to help him up but he apparently had other plans. He grabbed my hand with both of his and pulled me down, I fell on top of him, laying with out chests flat against each other. I was surprised by the action but he just laughed harder and let go of my wrist, rolling me off of him and to his right. He started playfully hitting my arm while he laughed, telling me to laugh along with him. There was something about his laugh that made me want to have to, there's nothing funny so I laugh at nothing.

He calmed down so I stopped laughing and sat up, him copying my actions. "What were you laughing about, must've been pretty dang funny since you were laughing that much?" I asked him while we stood up, walking towards his back door.

"I'm not really sure, to be honest, I think it might've been how I just jumped off of there. That was hilarious! And so stupid!" He laughed out his last two sentences. We had reached his back door when I spoke next, "I'll meet you back up there, we both know you'd be dead if your family knew I was in your house. I was about to walk off when I turned around to face him again, "Oh, and could you swing by the kitchen and grab another chocolate milk?"

"No problem."

After the back door was closed I ran back through my house until I was back on the ledge, sitting with my legs crossed. Within five minutes Harry was climbing out the window with another carton, "Hey Sunshine." I laughed out, teasingly.

"What, now it's sunshine? how many more nicknames are you gonna give me?" He sat down and opened the new carton.

"I think I'll stick with 'Sunshine' for now," I leaned forward, accidentally brushing my lips against the side of his cheek while I whispered into his ear, "I like that one the best."

I sat back in my spot after I had finished whispering. "You like it the best? Why?" He cocked his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"It suits you," I said simply, he squinted his eyes, looking off to the side as if he was thinking, trying to figure out how so I answered him before he asked.

"You always brighten up everyone's day, the earth wouldn't be able to survive without you. You're just so cheerful, the best part of a rainy, stormy day is seeing you shining through the horrible dark clouds creating your own rainbows just so that you can enjoy the beautiful colour in this black and white world, which is like the rest of the people in the world. You're the sunshine through us all." He smiled and blushed bright causing me to laugh lightly at him.


We'd finished the milk and stayed sitting outside, talking for another 5 hours before we went to bed at 2 in the morning. Usually we'd meet around 7:30-8:00 and go to sleep anytime after 12.

One time we had actually had a secret sleepover at his place, we were both sitting on his ledge and he went in to get something. I was knealing with my elbows resting on the window sill, watching him and waiting for him. He came back to the window and pulled me in through it, I landed on him and we errupted in laughs. We ended up watching netflix all night and eating a lot of food, joking around heaps. We couldn't do that in my place, my family would know, by his scent, that he was there.

Baby, You're Perfect • Larry Mpreg - uneditedWhere stories live. Discover now