Chapter 15

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Louis' POV

I had been in rut for about a week and it didn't help when the second day of it something felt strange, it was a fuzzy feeling almost as if it wasn't me feeling it which lead me to believe it could have been Harry. But what I don't understand is it felt weird in my mouth, convincing me he was making out with someone, that slowed down things a bit for that day since I was pretty upset.

I knew nothing was going on between Haz and I yet but I couldn't help but feel jealous and upset. He was MY sunshine, no one else's.

I was walking back to my house and it was at around 12 so Harry was at school. I walked in and immediately showered for about the zillionth time that week, I hated the gross smell and feeling of my own body during rut. I disgusted myself whenever I realised how gross the whole thing actually is.

I spent the day watching gogglebox highlights on YouTube, it was a show Harry loved and kept bugging me to watch but I never got around to it. The show turned out to be hilarious and made me question why I hadn't watched any of it before. After another 2 and a half hours of YouTube I heard a car pull in next door and looked out the window to see Anne pulling into their driveway, she locked eyes with me and gave me a dirty look of hatred before returning to her conversation with Haz.


It was currently 7:45 and I was sitting outside on my ledge awaiting Harry, the curtains were shut because he was getting changed but seconds later he was climbing out, fully clothed, and buzzing with glee.

"Lou!!!!!" He hurried to my side and tackled me into a cuddle, giving me a 'friendly' kiss on the cheek before talking again, "I missed you so much! Why don't you tell me when you're going on your vacations, that way I don't end up sleeping out here again."

He laughed but I felt guilty, because of me and my selfish needs he had slept outside freezing on a hard surface with disappointment in me running through his head.

"I'm really sorry, Sunshine, I don't usually know I'm going until the day I've gotta leave. 'It's more fun as a surprise' as my parents always told me. I feel horrible, I can't believe you slept out here again!" He looked down thoughtfully at his hand rubbing soothing circles on my chest, "Maybe when you're on your way or when you get the you can text me and let me know?" He looked up at me and his eyes were full of innocence, he looked so adorable in this position and from this angle, looking up into my eyes.

"Good thinking, I'll do my best to remember that next time. Anyway, I watched some snippets of gogglebox today..." I trailed off, his eyes brightened and his head perked up, looking at me with proudness and excitement in his expression. "You did!? What did you think?" When I told him that I loved it he giggled so adorably.

"Aw, look at that face!!!" I pinched his cheek, him blushing from the compliment. "Leave my face alone! Let's go watch some Gogglebox, it'll be on by now I believe." I looked at him with pure fondness, he always changed subject when he got too blushy, "Sounds like a good plan, Sunshine."

I booped his nose as I said it, causing him to blush even more. We both stood up and he started going towards his window, "Why don't we watch it in my room, the TV is bigger and I have your favourite fluffy blanket, freshly washed."

He smiled a big toothy grin and rushed into my room, he hadn't ever been in here before because I knew my family would smell of a human had been inside but I felt protective of him after the strange feeling I got during 2nd day of rut and I didn't care about my family.

We were cuddled up under all my blankets watching the program when he decided to talk since the silence was a little unusual for us, he sat up and began conversation, "So how was this vacation? Any better than the last ones?" "Nah, strange stuff happened and I just feel so exhausted after it all, haven't even unpacked my bag to be washed yet." I told him, briefly pointing towards my bag of clothes that got... messy.

I didn't realise that it was open from when I attempted to start putting them in the wash until Harry spoke, "Well I can help to star- wow, seems like you had great time." He laughed but there was an emotion I couldn't read in his expression.

I blushed bright red, completely embarrassed by him seeing those, "I wasn't with anyone, just thinking about my favourite person. I got a bit too excited and thinking of that person helps get the job done... a lot. And a lot." He seemed to have a lot of questions after I said that sentence that I regretted immediately. "Wait a minute, you always said I was your favourite person!" My eyes went wide and my mouth parted, did I just admit to getting off thinking of him!!?? "You replace me!? I feel offended. Your favourite person is my title! Who is this idiot that took my spot????" I laughed at how cute he was being, pouting in a child-like manner as he threw a small tantrum about being my favourite.

I hesitated, not knowing how to answer that without just being truthful. I finally made a decision and started speaking slowly, "Um, don't worry, no one can steal your title. You'll always be my favourite, you're my little ball of sunshine." When I spoke the last bit I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck causing him to curl in on himself a bit.

"Good! I should always be your fa- hold on...... you, uh, you did stuff... thinking about me?" I felt so bad, like I was draining the innocence out of him by doing this. I nodded, slightly shameful. "Does that mean you're creepy and get off thinking of your friends or you like me too?" I laughed at how much of a dork he is.

With my arm wrapped around him I pulled him towards my chest and kissed him on the lips, making it last a few seconds, then pulled back with a wide smile.

"Definitely the second one."

Baby, You're Perfect • Larry Mpreg - uneditedWhere stories live. Discover now