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4 Years Later

Louis POV

I put Owen down and ran upstairs when I heard Harry crying, he was in his second trimester and was very easily upset. The biggest problems that occurred the most frequently throughout all pregnancies so far was body image and him worrying about the baby's health.

Owen was almost 4 years old, Isaac was 2 ("2 AND A HALF" HE protests) and Aria was yet to be born. According to Harry she was the most difficult so far, seemingly being nocturnal and giving him bizarre and impossible cravings as well as refusing to go anywhere near any other food that wasn't exactly what she wanted. Harry would end up throwing up if he ate anything besides his desired food and it had gotten so bad that he would be puking after just being in the same room as foods he didn't want if he could smell them.

When I entered the room he was sat on the bed crying into his hands, his pickles and marshmallow fluff sitting on the bedside table. For just under a week Harry had been crying almost nonstop, all I knew is it had something to do with Christmas. Which was yesterday.

This crying fit was different though, he wanted to talk. Before he would just sit there crying and if I asked had mumble a couple words that I couldn't really hear, but this time after I asked he started rambling loudly matching the volume of his cries.

"Niall got me a really nice Christmas present and I still haven't gotten him anything!!! I never do anything good for him and has the best friend I could ever have. I don't deserve that idiot, he's too good to be friends with me. I'm seeing him soon and I still have nothing, I'm so horrible, I'm literally the worst person on earth!!!!!!! What if he gets sick of me never doing anything and never having enough money to give him what he truly deserves that he admits how much he hates me and leaves me forever. I'd feel so horrible and guilty, he had to put up with a fat shit that he hated for years and years without being able to do anything because that shit thought they were best friends when in reality I'm just an inescapable, stupid leach that won't leave him alone."

So that was what he was upset about, he didn't have a job and most people his age did, he felt so useless. I didn't have an actual job but I had money, If I needed more I could easily get it from my parents. I wondered why he didn't just ask me or even his mum?

"My mum and Gemma spent so much on me this year for Christmas, I can't ask either of them to get something for Niall or to give me money! They'd hate me forever for being ungrateful, greedy and an atrocious friend. I asked once and mum said she'd look at some stuff if I told her what he liked, I told her but she didn't say anything and I can't ask her again. How irritating would I be if I did, she would disown me for sure! Maybe I'll give him something I got," he began mumbling to himself things he got and reasons as to why he couldn't give them to Niall, "Oh, but I told him I got that. He hates those and I've already opened that. Dang, I have nothing to give him!!! He would hate me if I gave him something second hand anyway, how could I even think of doing that to him!?"

Isaac ran into the room as response of hearing his dad yelling and crying. Out of the boys Owen was shy but very smart, Isaac was very outgoing and overly mischevious. He had probably been listening to what Harry was saying.

He went straight to Harry and climbed onto his lap, he was dresses in his new Batman costume that he got from Liam and he had one of his smaller nerf guns tucked into his belt. "But daddy, you are a present enough for uncle Ni," I looked at him astonished, he had said something so sweet that shocked us bo- "But a gun would be better. PEW PEW PEW! BANG!!!"

He jumped off of Harry and pulled out the nerf gun and started shooting random things around the room before settling on what he thought was the best target, me.

"Isaac, quit shooting dada. What did we say when you got your nerf guns?" Harry picked him up and sat him on his lap, looking sternly at his youngest son.

Isaac looked down at his lap before answering, "Don't shoot people, just targets and things that aren't easily broken," he paused trying to remember the extra bit, "if there's permission."

Harry made him apologise before letting him go. He ran off down the hallway shouting 'bang bang' and 'pew pew'.

"He's right, you really are enough of a gift for Niall." Harry simply shook his head this, "How many times has Niall reassured you whenever you're panicking or worrying about this sort of stuff? How many times has he told you your friendship is completely genuine and very important to him? Haz, you are his favourite person in the world, you're a part of his and Liam's family."

"How many times? Well not as many as I've screwed up plans or let him down or failed to make him happy."

Harry's POV

I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I recalled the numerous times I had been treated by him, let him down and tried to get his approval on something but he didn't like it. Niall mattered to me a lot, he was a very honest person. Very confident in himself, I envied him for that (being someone who had something to be confident with), I was also so proud of him for that. Multiple times I had wanted to show or tell him something over the years of our friendship, I knew he never was proud of me, he only saw me as a stupid, try hard, desperate screw up.

Surely there was nothing to be proud of, there certainly wasn't for me. Maybe the only thing I could be proud of in life is one day I would probably break a world record "world's worst person", maybe world's ugliest or fattest? Maybe worst friend or most disappointing.

"World's most insignificant person"

Yeah, that sounded about right.

I saw Lou avert his gaze over to the door, I followed his stare to where the tops of two little heads could be seen behind the door frame.

"Boys, come in here," the both walked in with guilty looks on their faces since they'd just been caught, they sat on the bed and Louis asked them a question, "When you go to uncle Niall's house to play have Maddy and her brothers and sister ever said anything about your daddy being friends with their poppa?"

Niall and Liam's relationship moved quite fast, already having 5 kids. Maddison was the oldest, then there was the twins; Teddy and Jaxon, Bear, the youngest being Ava. Owen and Isaac were quite close with them, Owen was the oldest out of them all so he was closest with Maddison, he was shy so he didn't talk to everyone, but he didn't hesitate to talk Maddy's ear off. Isaac was like that with everyone of them, being the loving outgoing person he was. As close as Owen and Maddy were there was a third best friend to this group; Elena. The three were almost inseparable, Elena was Perrie and Zayn's daughter, she loved shifting and spent most of her time in her wolf form. She was such a funny kid, all the younger ones loved being around her.

They looked at each other in thought before Owen spoke up, "Well, they told us their poppa annoys them sometimes with being too excited for seeing daddy. Teddy says it's because he doesn't have other friends but I think he's just picking on his poppa." He spoke quietly and slightly confused, it wasn't like that was a casual conversation they had. That's just what was mentioned when they all complained about parents together.

Louis smiled at me and gently rubbed my upper arm, "Niall won't care if you got him a present or not, you know him. He's going to go hyper at just seeing you. It's Niall we're talking about."

"Alright, I guess that's kinda true."

And he was right, Niall didn't care at all. He only laughed at me when I apologised, it seemed I was easily worried by little things more than I would usually be. Aria was giving me a hard time, she was a lot more of a struggle than Owen and Isaac were.

If you shift into wolf form while pregnant it wasn't rare for it to be a painful shift, which is why most don't shift until after they've given birth. I loved the, still, unfamiliar feeling of being able to shift into a completely different being, so I liked to shift anyway. With Aria, though, it was even more painful, I had a feeling she would be quite a strong person when she came out, my guess was that she was an alpha. Owen was human with some special wolf abilities, Isaac was full wolf, a beta.

Our family was almost complete, we couldn't be happier. My life was everything I had ever wished for it to be. I had the best husband, the best children, the best friends and I had my family and the whole pack behind me.

Everything was perfect.

Baby, You're Perfect • Larry Mpreg - uneditedWhere stories live. Discover now