Chapter 18

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Harry's POV

"Seeing as you told me about your move, I need to tell you about something too..." I was going to tell her about Louis.

"Yeah?" She tilted her head, I knew I should've told her and I would. But I chickened out at last minute, I'd tell her another time. Soon.

"A girl punched me at school." I blurted out the first thing I could think of that didn't have to do with Louis. Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened, "Oh my gosh, are you serious!?" I nodded.

"Who, I'll go to the school principal? She can't just do that to you!! That's not okay!" I panicked, if she went to the principal and dobbed Eleanor in she'd obviously know it was me!

"Its all dealt with, I just thought you should know. She's been suspended." I hated lying, I'd been told numerous times I was the worst liar but Gemma seemed to believe me this time as she sighed in relief and changed subject to more casual things.


It was around 8 o'clock now and I was going to meet Louis outside the window, once I reached my room I could see Louis sitting on the ledge anxiously. I climbed out to join him but avoided eye contact, I was not supposed to be talking to him.

"Haz, thank god you came. I thought you weren't for a while." He knew I was only here since he begged me to be, so he held back from hugging me.

"What is it you wanted me here for again, Lou?" God, I felt so horrible being this different to how I usually am around him. I liked him so much, this was really really difficult.

He looked down, clearly upset that I was acting like this and that made me feel even worse.

"Um, c'mon. I wanna take you to the woods, let's go." His hand was offered out to me and that I could not refuse, it's just a hand. Eleanor won't kill me over that right?

He held my hand and we jumped down together, when I landed I lost my balance slightly and almost fell. Louis' comforting hands were on my waist instantly, supporting me so that I could regain my balance. We were standing very close and just looking at each other, suddenly my cheeks heated up and I looked away. How can someone be so perfect??

"Follow me, Suns- can I still call you that when you're mad at me?" I felt terribly guilty making him believe I was mad at him. He was so precious, asking permission to use his pet name for me just because I'm 'mad at him'.

I simply nodded with a small smile and continued following him, a noise could be heard to in the trees next to me. It frightened me and my instant reflex was to move closer to Louis and clutch his hand, hiding behind him slightly.

I heard Louis chuckle a little before he spoke up, "You right there?" I blushed and laughed a bit myself, answering with a yes and keeping my spot close to him. We walked more until we reached a small clearing, past the houses he had taken me to last time although they were close by. He sat me down on the trunk of a tree that had fallen.

"Okay, I know you aren't happy with me today but this is something you need to know," he released a long sigh, "I love you, Harry."

A kiss was placed on my cheek and he was walking to stand about 5 meters away from me but still in front of me. His breathing was shaky as he was obviously so nervous about showing me whatever he had to show me.

Lou breathed heavier and clenched his fists and teeth, his back arched and I swore I heard a few growls come out of him while all this happened. In an instant Louis was replaced by a large wolf with the same feathery brown hair Louis had but it was it's fur and the shade of blue in it's eyes was too close to not be louis'.

Baby, You're Perfect • Larry Mpreg - uneditedWhere stories live. Discover now