Chapter 29

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Louis' POV

I arrived at Harry's school in his car and waited in the parking lot for the bell to go, while I waited I pulled my phone out from my pocket and kept myself amused with it.

All of a sudden there was a knock on my window and a blonde idiot waving at me. He opened the door and climbed into the passenger's seat.

"Niall, you do realise Harry is gonna want to sit there?" He clicked his seatbelt in and shoved his bag to be in front of his feet then looked at me.

"Well, you cant always get what you want, right? Anyway I am not being forced to sit in the backseat again and listen to you two being all gross. Out of all the times I've been a third wheel, that was the worst; you guys are disgustingly cute." He rolled his eyes with a scowl.

"Aww, you think we're cute? Well aren't you sweet," I pinched his cheek and he tried to swat away my hand, when he failed to do that he resulted in biting it instead, "What is wrong with you, you some sort of cannibal or something!?"

He just laughed and shook his head with a very proud looking expression, too proud of you asked me, "Technically if I did eat you it wouldn't be cannibalism since that means eating something the same species as you, or something like that, but you are a werewolf and I am a human so we aren't the same species."

He stuck his tongue out to blow a raspberry but was interrupted by the school bell, "Finally." I mumbled.

I caught sight of Harry walking to the car with a smile but when he saw Niall in his seat he pouted and furrowed his eyebrows, settling with the backseat.

"Why is that bleached blonde boy in my spot? I wanted to sit next to you Lou." I went to answer him but Niall beat me to it, so I just pulled out and drove in silence.

"First of all, you aren't supposed to tell people it's bleached. Second of all, you can't always get what you want baby, suck it up," my fists clenched and stomach tightened at Niall calling my boy 'baby' but I knew that was just their friendship, "and third, I didn't wanna get stuck staring at you two and listening to all that mush you two say. Bleh."

Niall and Harry basically argued the whole way but the second I arrived at Niall's place he was out the car and Harry was climbing over the middle to get into the passenger seat, pecking my lips as he did so.

He dropped into the seat and did up his belt, "There we go, that's better."

I placed my hand on his thigh and leaned over to kiss him, "Much better." I replied to what he had previously said and returned my attention to the road, driving back to our houses.

Soon the car was parked in his driveway and we were walking into his house, he dropped his bag onto the floor and decided he wanted to change out of his clothes since he apparently did a lot of sport at school during the day and was all sweaty.

I smiled at him and while he dressed I ate some fruit from the bowl sitting on the breakfast bar.

When I heard footsteps coming down the stairs I quickly checked my hair in the reflection of the window to make sure it looked okay. I picked up 2 large bags I had packed earlier today while he was at school and headed to the bottom of the stairs to meet him there.

"So, are we watching a movie or something, what are we doing?" I shook my head and grabbed his hand to lead him into the woods.

The entire walk there Harry wouldn't stop asking where we were going, if we were there yet and why we were in the woods. He reminded me of a child on a long car ride with all his little questions.

When I saw the cabin I covered Harry's eyes and told him where to go so he wouldn't trip, "Okay, we're good now."

I took my hands away from him and let him look at where I had brought him. It was a small cabin next to the lake, a long way down from where Harry was swimming in the lake so he wouldn't have seen it before. It had two bedrooms, a bathroom, a cute little kitchen and two couches with a tv placed in front of them when you walked in.

"Woah, are we staying here?" He ran inside and I followed as he explored it. I left the bags by the door and sat down on the couch with Harry.

"Yep, thought you'd like it so I figured why not stay for a couple nights? And it isn't too far from anything either, for example Link House 3 is pretty close and a bit further is Pack House so if you need anything then they're there." His eyes brightened with excitement at the fact we'd be staying for a while.

"So... does this mean I'm out of school while we stay?" I laughed at his dorky little question and shook my head.

"No, I'll still take you to school everyday, unless you really don't want to go and just want this to be a little holiday?" Originally it was going to just be somewhere nice to stay instead of our houses every night but I didn't mind if he wanted to make a holiday out of it.

He smiled at me with fake innocence and I guessed that meant the second option, we laughed together and grabbed the bags to put everything away.

Harry went into one bedroom with his bag so I walked into the other and threw the bag onto the bed, just as I was unzipping it I heard Harry whine.

"Boobear, why aren't you coming in here? I'm not that smelly am I?" When i walked over to his room and leant against the door frame I saw him sat on the bed with his lip pouted out, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Well, we usually live in separate houses so I thought you'd be more comfortable with having our own rooms. Would you prefer if we were to stay in this room together?" He nodded and I kissed his pout away then rushed back to get my bag and place it on the bed he was sitting in instead of the one on the other side of the wall.

We opened up both bags and filled the cabin with our own belongings, it took a while to get settled in but eventually it felt like our own little house.

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