Chapter 16

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Harry's POV

When I woke up I was overwhelmed by the comforting smell of Louis, I realised I had fallen asleep in his bed. When I noticed I was alone I felt like such a nuisance, he couldn't be in his own bed all because he let me sleep in it.

Louis emerged from his bathroom in his boxers with a towel in his hands, scrubbing away at his hair to dry it. "Rise 'n' shine, love" I immediately turned red at the use of this pet name.

"Hi," i climbed out of his bed and smoothed out my clothes with my hands, "sorry, you can have your bed back."

He looked at me mischievously before dropping the towel and playfully tackling my onto the bed in a cuddle, "I prefer to share it with my little sunshine." I hated how easily he could make me blush.

I giggled at him and then snuggled into him more, he was just so warm and always smelt fresh. It wasn't because of the shower, he just seemed to have this amazing scent that I couldn't resist. His arms around me made me feel so safe and comfortable, I inhaled his scent and it honestly had to be the work of an angel, as was he.

"Hazza?" I hummed in response so he knew I was listening to whatever he was about to ask or say, "did you just smell me?"

Confusion could be heard in his angelic voice ringing through my ear. I tilted my head up and shyly smiled, feeling embarrassed that he caught me being weird. "Maybe..."

His beautiful laugh vibrated his chest against mine as he looked down at me with a look in his eyes I was very familiar with. I didn't want to name that look and seem stuck up but I liked this look a lot and I had only seen him with a similar look with his family. This glint in his eyes made me feel special, like I was the only person in the world and he was oblivious to the sight of anyone else. "You are so adorable."

The compliment was followed by a peck on the forehead and by then my face had to be the same shade as a strawberry. Of course my bladder decided this was the perfect time to ruin the moment and I had to leave his comforting warmth to go to the bathroom.

Once I had closed the door to his bathroom I heard footsteps enter his bedroom and the voice of one of his sisters. "Louis, I need yo- oh my gosh!! It reeks of human in here!" I seemed to hear these comments often from his sisters. What does 'human' smell like?? These remarks confused me more than anything, i needed to find out what they were. A family of aliens perhaps? I wouldn't care, at least there's a really hot alien.

"What do you want?" Louis sounded annoyed, clearly he didn't want her in there at the moment.

"I need you to take the girls to school, I'm getting a lift from a friend so I cant." I recognised the voice as Lottie's, I had completely forgotten about school. I needed to get ready quick since I had to walk.

I had finished my business but figured Lou didn't want them knowing I was here so I waited, "Sorry but I'm taking someone else to school. Can't really have him in the car with the girls." Was Louis implying that he was taking me?

"Who are you taking, you have no friends?" She jokes and they both chuckled, "I'm taking Harry." He stated simply, silence followed.

I guessed she looked confused or something since he had to tell her who I was, "You know, Harry. From next door." It must've just clicked because her next question was immediate.

"And how do mum and dad feel about this friendship with a human that you have going on?" Louis sighed then mumbled something I didn't catch. A door closed and then there was silence until Louis' quiet voice could be heard on the other side of the door.

"It's fine, you can come out, Haz," I opened the door and joined him back in his room. "You'd better get changed, can't go to school in the same clothes as yesterday."

Louis ushered me to my room where I quickly changed into some fresh clothes for the day. Once my clothes were on and I was groomed I headed back over to his room, Lou was ready and waiting for me.

"C'mon," he gestured for me to follow and I gave a confused look, "well I'm taking you to school so we kinda need to get in the car in order to go there."

"But what about your family seeing me?" Lou looked at me for a second before answering with a smile.

"Who cares. They can't do anything about it." He offered his hand to me, which I took with a smile accompanied by a blush and we made our way through his house. A couple family members glared at me in disgust and confusion but I brushed it off and continued following Louis. We reached his car and, like the gentleman he is, he opened my door for me then helped me up into the car before settling himself in.

We began driving and I instantly fell in love with the feeling of being in his car. It was filled with his scent, making me feel comforted and safe.

I didn't want to ruin the atmosphere but I had one question that was swarming around my head so I blurted it out, "Does all this mean we're dating or...?" I trailed off not really knowing where I was going.

His eyes glanced briefly in my direction before returning to the road and answering me, "I would absolutely love that, but I still have things I haven't told you and I just know you won't want me after you know. I also still need to find a way out of this stupid marriage that my father has set up!"

I could see the annoyance in his expression when he mentioned the marriage arrangement.

"Well, whenever you're ready..." I didn't finish what I was saying since I knew he understood I meant that I would always be waiting. A small smile crept to his face as we pulled into the car park at school.

"Bye, Sunshine! Have a great day!" He called after me, I leaned over and pecked his cheek quickly then jumped from the vehicle and rushed off to school in order to avoid embarrassment.

Louis drove off behind me and I began entering the school. Just as I was walking up the stairs towards the door, I felt a hard object strike my cheek and I fell to the ground, hitting my head on some lockers as I landed.

When I looked up I saw a familiar girl standing above me and rubbing her fist. I just got punched by a girl, that is so humiliating!!

"You stay away from Louis Tom-Taylors!! He is mine!" As soon as she spoke I recognised her as Eleanor, the girl from the car a couple days ago. She never even talked to him, although she mentioned a 'Louis Tomlinson' and it seems she almost said that name again this time. Who is Louis Tomlinson?

"He isn't yours! He likes me, he doesn't even know you!" A smug look was plastered onto her face once this was said.

"Strange, seems he knows me enough to marry me. Wonder what that's about? Especially since you claim he isn't mine. Maybe if you so desperately want him then the only solution would be to eliminate any threats to my marriage with him, what do you say?" I was so scared, this was the chick he was marrying!!!??? What was her problem with me, he was still forced to marry her either way.

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