Chapter 30

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Louis' POV

The second I opened my eyes I was faced with a head of chocolate brown curls, I could see nothing else. I was laying on my side with Harry's back flush against my front and my arms were wrapped around his waist tightly, pulling him even closer to me if possible.

Small snores were coming from Harry in his sleep, I couldn't resist and moved my head for better access and inhaled the refreshing smell of his berry shampoo.

I heard a giggle from the curly-haired boy followed by a sleepy mumble, "Did you just sniff my hair? Such a freak." He chuckled sleepily.

"Well, I guess I'm too much of a freak that you don't want to cuddle with me anymore, right?" I retracted my arms and rolled over, trying not to smile or laugh.

"No, that's not what I meant! I was only joking, please Lou, cuddle me!" He tried to roll me back over but I wouldn't let him, then all of a sudden he stopped and a couple seconds later a huge weight landed on me, he was sat on top of me with his legs straddling me, "Cuddle me!! Please, please, please, I promise I'll be good, I just want cuddles from my favourite little wolf-boy."

I laughed at him and turned onto my back under him, then placed my hands on his lower back and slid them up higher and gently pulled him down into a kiss. I pulled back smiling before I quickly moved him off of me and jumped out of bed, running through the house. I heard his laughter and footsteps, as I tried to suppress my own laughter while he chased me.

I stopped all of a sudden and hid behind a wall, I listened for his footsteps so I knew when he was close, then the second he entered the room I jumped out and shouted at him to scare him. He screamed and slipped backwards, but before he fell and hurt himself I rushed to get behind and catch him.

"Don't think you're getting a thanks for that, it was your fault." He stood up and crossed his arms, tapping one foot on the floor.

"It was hilarious too, you should've seen your face! Ah, that was absolutely priceless." I laughed out at him, then walked upstairs as if nothing happened.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked from the door as I took off my shirt, he tried to play it cool but I saw him gulp and shift around a bit uncomfortably.

"Just getting changed into some trunks to go swimming, weather looks pretty nice today." I smirked when I saw him pull his shirt down and adjust his jeans a little as I discarded my briefs and changed into my trunks.

I threw a towel over my shoulder and walked past him, swaying my hips a little in the process, "You can join me if you'd like."

Then I walked outside, leaving him there and set my towel down on the grass before jumping into the water.

I relaxed by myself for a while until the back door slid open and out came Harry in his own pair of trunks, "Took you long enough, c'mon. Gonna get in or what?"

He bit his lip in a grin and slid into the pool, when he swam over to me he jumped on my back and dunked me underwater. The water was flowing pretty strongly, pushing all light things that weren't grounded down the stream.

We glided a little so had to swim back up to in front of the cabin again. We had competitions in the water, doing dives and flips from the bank and seeing who could hold breath the longest, this went on for about an hour or so. All of a sudden we heard a very gargled scream and vicious splashing, so we looked in the direction of the screams and saw a small figure struggling to stay above the water.

The screams grew louder as the boy neared us because of the river forcing him along. We both exchanged very worried expressions and rushed to help him, he looked familiar and it finally clicked I swam under and and lifted him from the water so he could breath, it was Ryan. Harry took him from me as I rose from the water and sat on the grass, then I helped them both out.

We hurried inside with him and dried him off with the first towel I found, after he was dry enough I carried him to the spare room and wrapped him in a blanket to warm him.

"What happened, Ryan?" I heard Harry ask from behind me, Ryan sat up in his little blanket burrito and started telling Harry how it happened, Harry was sat on the corner of the spare bed listening and I headed to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate. When it was heating up I quickly went up to the room to ask if Harry wanted any.

"Harry, did you want any hot chocolate?" His eyes brightened and I saw Ryan perk up and smile at the mention of the drink.

"Yes thanks, Lou. Could I have a cookie to dunk in it too please?" I laughed softly at his request and replied, "Of course you can."

Before I left I spared a knowing glance at Ryan and he cheekily laughed, then his small voice asked, "Can I please have a cookie as well?"

I nodded at him and gave him a playful wink before going to finish the drinks, as I left I heard him laughing and then Harry joining in too. I smiled at the thought of him laughing with our own child as I carried the drinks back to the room, I knew Harry was still in high school and definitely not ready to have kids yet so I shook that thought out of my head.

I placed the smaller mug on the bedside table and the larger one in Harry's hands then handed both of them their cookies, "Be careful, it's going to be hot." I told Ryan as I saw him reach for his drink.

Baby, You're Perfect • Larry Mpreg - uneditedWhere stories live. Discover now