Chapter 11

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Harry's POV

I had been messaging Louis but he suddenly stopped replying in the middle of a converstaion. When I looked over to his room his dad was in there and Lou had his head down and then started to nod.

There was a knock at the door downstairs so I got up to answer it. I was immediately bombarded with questions as Niall walked through the door and was inside straight away, "Why weren't you answering me? I wanted to go to nandos but not by myself because that's just sad. Were you messaging the hot neighbour?" He squealed like a young girl fangirling over her favourite celebrity crush, "Did you two go out together? If you did then I don't care that you ignored me, as long as I get details. Have you guys fu-"

"Niall! Stop, I ignored you because I was kinda at the hospital getting a cast put on my arm. AlthoughafterthatIwastalkingtoLou." I mumbled out the last part quickly and he smirked then shook his head and looked at my arm before talking again.

"Oh my gosh Haz, what happened!?" I opened my mouth but quickly shut it as I didn't know what to tell him, "I fell down the stairs." At that he just gave me a look that said 'come on, seriously' "That is the excuse used in every book, movie, series and anything where a sevre injury is involved where you can't tell people what actually happened, where's the originality?" I tried to change the subject based on something he mentioned, "'In every book-' What book is this referring to? You never read."

"Uh, yeah I do. Fanfictions, duh. Anyway, stop changing subject. How did you break your arm?" I looked down at my feet with a frown, "Lou kicked me off the ledge and I landed on the concrete." His jaw dropped, "Accidentally?" I hesitated but shook my head, "Did he help you at all?" I lifted my head and thought about it but then dropped it again and shook it 'no'. "He left. I crawled back inside and wallowed while eating the bananas."

"Aw, baby. I can't believe he would do such a thing, why do the hot ones always have to be jerks?" Jealousy burned inside me when he called Louis hot, as he talked he cradled my head into his chest, even though I'm taller so that didn't work as well as he may've wanted. He pulled away with a look of determination and confidence on his face,"You know what, I'm gonna go over there right now and give him a piece of my mind!" This brought panic to my mind.

"No, leave him. Please, you'll just make it all worse-" He stuck his finger up in front of my face to tell me to stop talking, "No, Harry. I will do this, you are my best friend and I will go and talk to the dick who upset you! And broke your arm!"

"But, Nia-" Then he was gone.

Niall's POV

I couldn't believe Louis would do such a thing to Harry, I was so mad at him so I stormed over to his house and burst through the unlocked front door, slamming it shut behind me. A girl sat on the couch stared at me with confusion and hate in her eyes, she was about to say something when I spoke up instead, "How do I get to Louis' room?" I asked with a raised voice and hands balled into fists.

The girl scowled in hatred but pointed me in the direction of his bedroom. I stormed up the stairs and to the door of the room but stopped when I stood outside it, feeling bad as I heard Louis crying loudly and screaming in anger as well.

"Louis?" I walked into his room gently and quietly, my voice sounded a little deeper then usual and a lot less Irish. I sat at the end of his bed while he layed crying and screaming into pillows and clutching onto them for dear life, he dialed it down a little and stopped his screaming, mumbling into a pillow making it come out very muffled, "Zayn?" I could make out the name 'Zayn', maybe that was a close friend of his?

"Uhhhhhh, yeah. I'm here for you buddy," I decided to just play along, I am his friend but he needed this 'Zayn' guy, I guessed. He then curled up into a ball with his head in my lap, clutching my shirt instead of pillows, "What happened?

"Dad arranged with the Calder Pack for me to marry some 'Eleanor' chick, he even knows now that Harry's my mate. I don't know what to do, he wasn't even mad about me being gay... He just said it would've been better if I mentioned it before the agreement. He isn't even going to try and get me out of it!"

I froze. Pack? Mate? 'Surely he isn't one...' I thought in my head. But then my big mouth just had to blurt it all out.

"You're a werewolf!?" I jumed up, causing him to sit up and look at me with his mouth hanging open and eyes wide, "And Harry's your mate! Oh no, but he doesn't know yet, we have got to tell him! But the marriage with this 'Eleanor' bitch... How are we gonna get out of that one?" "Niall!! What the hell!? My family will kill me if they find out I told a human that!" I thought about it until I came up with something. "But you didn't tell me, I figured it out with a couple little clues."

"Mate, then they'll kill YOU if I tell them that." "Shouldn't Harry be the only one you call 'mate'?" I smirked at him. He just gave me a death glare.

"Okay, okay. What if you tell Harry and then you guys an finally be all coupley and stuff, then just say Harry told me. Your dad can't kill your mate now, can he?" I felt pretty smart and proud of myself for realising that but Lou just looked at the ground in front of him sadly, "He's the Alpha of the pack, AND my father. He can do whatever he pleases..."

"What kind of a pack do you guys have!? That's horrible wolf rules. Wait, you are gonna tell Harry still right? Beause I think that when you two do it and you fill him up and he ends up preggo or something he may be a bit confused without the explination that he is a wolf's, wait, an Alpha's mate." He simply looked up at me and answered.

"Yeah, I suppose I do have to tell him everything. When do you reckon I should?" I was about to say 'the next time you guys meet up on your ledges' when it suddenly hit me why I was here.

"Maybe when you stop being such a dick to him and stop making him cry. That might be a good idea," I replied with a little bit of sass, "I'm a little confused as to how he's your mate when you treat him the way you do; it's as if you hate him."

He looked up at me with his eyes only showing fear and worry, but a dash of confusion as well, "What? I hate him being upset, especially because of me! I don't hate him at all, maybe you've got me confused with someone else? I wouldn't ever want him thinking anything like that."

"Oh, you're right. I did get you confused with someone else. Let me just go find the other werewolf mate that's inlove with him but broke his arm and left him by himself without helping!" At this point I was a little mad at him again, just thinking of Harry's arm and the sadness in his voice when he told me that Louis just left him there.

He looked so hurt, guilty and sad all at the same time, "I... I broke his arm? But- when?" Then he gasped and brought his hands up to over his mouth and nose in shock, "Oh my god, I kicked him. I kicked him off... and broke his-" Louis errupted into tears, hands covering his eyes and head down with his elbows resting on his knees.

"I thought he only hurt his nose, that's why I felt pain there, I thought that was the only pain he was in, it explained how I was hurting. He told me that he hit himself in the face and hurt his nose. Why would he say that? Why would he lie to me?"

"Weeeeell, you haven't exactly been comepletely truthful to him either..." He looked at me questioningly and I just raised an eyebrow and elaborated, "You haven't said anything about being a werewolf, you haven't told him he's your mate, you hav-"

"I gotta go. To him."

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