Chapter 24

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A/N: I honestly hate this chapter (and the rest of the book), it's so boring so I thought I'd update two today to get this one over with.

Louis' POV

I was unwillingly dressed in a tux with my hair neat and I sat in the back of the car, silent tears creeping down my cheeks from the fear of never seeing Harry again.

My mum drove and my dad sat in the back with me in attempt to clear the air, he placed his hand on my arm and opened his mouth to talk but I slapped away his hand and it was shut within seconds.

Harry's POV

I was tired and weak, I had been beaten. All my energy was gone. All my strength. All my hope.

The hope that Louis would save me, she said he'd have a nightmare about what I was experiencing. If he had a nightmare like that he never would've given up on finding me when he saw I wasn't home. He would've rescued me from this awful place.

I guessed that marrying this vile beast was more important than finding me.

Just then the large metal door opened with a creak and I squeezed my eyes shut in fear, biting down hard on the cloth that prevented me from talking.

One of the younger human slaves snuck in quietly and placed buttered bread and water in front of me, she untied the cloth and pulled out a rusty old key from they pocket in her outfit of rags. She used the key to unlock my chains and helped me up, cautious of my wounds.

"Thank you." I croaked and hugged her best I could, she smiled and told me to eat and re hydrate. So I did exactly that.

The slave helped me get out of the building without being noticed and she lead me outside, then pointed me in the direction of the wedding.

I staggered for a long time until I reached a clearing decorated in white with chairs full of people. One half I recognized as the people of Louis' pack but the other half I just guessed belonged to the Calder pack.

Everyone's gaze was directed at the front where Louis stood in a tux and Eleanor in a white dress that was over the top but at the same time very slutty. I made my way to the ceremony and as I was about to run up to the isle, Eleanor noticed me and widened her eyes. I noticed her wearing my necklace from Lou and that just made everything worse.

She sent a death glare my way while still trying to look happy for everyone else, just at the moment I sped up, Eleanor forcefully pulled Louis into a sloppy looking kiss. Then deepened it a bit and then opened her eyes, smirking evilly at me to show that she won. And I actually believed she had won.

Tears clouded my vision as choked sobs escaped my lips. I stumbled backwards, shaking my head in sadness and despair.

I hurried to turn around and run home but as I turned I tripped over the root of a large tree. My ankle twisted and I yelped out in pain, gaining the attention of everyone at the ceremony. The members of the Calder pack growled at me and sent me horribly frightening glares, whereas the Tomlinson pack members looked at me with concern and confusion.

The second Lou laid eyes on me he raced over to where I lay in the dirt, covered in injuries and now dirt, with a few leaves in my hair.

"Oh my gosh, Haz. What happened to you?" He gently lifted me up bridal style and kissed my forehead.

I looked over to Eleanor and she scowled at me, "Um, I got lost last night?" My lie came out as more of a question than an explanation.

Louis ran with me in his arms but was quickly stopped by all the voices of the people at the wedding calling out for him, "We will have to find another way to unite the packs. This is my mate here, I am not marrying her." He glared at Eleanor when he said 'her'.

"You aren't my mate either but you don't hear me complaining do you?" Louis rolled his eyes at her ignorance and stupid reason, in the blink of an eye he sped over to her and pinched my necklace from around her scrawny long neck.

"Believe me, we would definitely be hearing you complain if you had feelings instead of being so heartless. You'd want to find your mate like I have done, you wouldn't want to me in a forced marriage with someone who doesn't love you. And before you say that that can change, it can't and it won't. He is the one for me and nothing can change that."

Louis protectively pulled me in closer to him and held me in his arms while he ran back to my house.

We got inside and he laid me down on my bed and placed my necklace around my neck as gently as possible, "Anne, Gemma!" He called out to them and they immediately came rushing in.

My mother sat on the edge of the bed and ran her hand up and down my arm, it stung but I stayed quiet so I wouldn't upset her. "Anne, that's hurting him. He has injuries there."

I looked up at Louis and smiled gratefully, he smiled back but after catching my mum's eye, he left the room, "Oh, my poor baby boy. Those horrid creatures did this to you didn't they? I'll keep them away. Awful monsters, they are." As she spoke so badly about the werewolves she glared at the door, I knew she was thinking of Louis who patiently waited on the other side.

"Mum, please... just give me some time." I begged, holding onto her hand.

"Alone?" I looked down at my blankets and played with the material, not daring to answer her or look at her. She knew my answer as soon as she saw my reaction and sighed, closing her eyes, "With him...?"

I nodded and she smiled softly at me, "You really love him don't you, Hazzy?" She rubbed her thumb along the back of my hand soothingly as she spoke with her gently voice.

"I do mum, I really do. I just wanna spend all my time with him, I wanna spend the rest of my life with him. He cares about me, he loves me and protects me. He's perfect, mummy," I spotted a tear forming in her eye as we both smiled at each other, "I've found the perfect boy."

She looked down at our joined hands as I wiped her tear with the pad of my thumb, "Very well. I'm happy for you, baby." She brushed my hair back to kiss my forehead and welcomed Louis into the room. Mum said something to him quietly before he entered but I didn't know what it was, then I was left with just Louis in the room with me, my mother had left us alone.

He rushed to my side and crouched next to the bed, holding my hand gently as he could, "I'm so sorry I let this happen to you baby, I'll never let anything like that happen ever again. Gosh, I'm so sorry. My poor little Sunshine." He kissed every inch of my face and hovered over my lips, but then he backed his head up.

He must've understood my confused face because he explained the question I was about to ask, "I don't want to risk hurting you anymore or make you uncomfortable while you feel like this, I'd never take advantage of your weakened state like that. What if my kisses get rough and you're in pain, I don't want to ever be the source of your pain. I don't ever want you to be in pain in the first place but me causing it is so much worse."

I laughed at him and pulled him down, smashing our lips together.

He climbed into bed with me, very carefully, and made me tell him everything I remembered, so we sat there talking until I fell asleep snuggled into his chest. As much as I wanted him to, Lou refused to cuddle me in case he hurt me more, I understood him and wasn't upset or offended. Just annoyed that I was too injured to cuddle him my little boobear.

Baby, You're Perfect • Larry Mpreg - uneditedWhere stories live. Discover now