Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

The bell rang telling us school was over, Niall had been sent home early because he got into a fight so I had to walk home. I started walking home and heard a car pull up next to me, I chose to ignore them when I heard a window wind down but then I heard the voice of one of the sluts in school, Rachel, "Hi gaybo, just thought I'd let you know that if you wanted to change your nickname along with reputation that I would be glad to help."

My face screwed up in disgust at that horrid 'offer', I looked over at her and she winked. I then noticed that she had her best friend, Eleanor, with her as well, "Looks like you've got company, gonna have to reject that offer." I shrugged.

She looked at Eleanor with an annoyed expression however El just rolled her eyes, Rachel returned her gaze to me, "Eleanor and Ashley will leave if you accept the offer, I'll drop them home then we can go back to mine. How's that sound?" "Ashley?" Just then the backseat window went down and the new girl stuck her head out, she was very energetic by the looks of it. I had seen her around school and if she hung out with better people she'd probably be a pretty cool person actually, just bad taste in friends.

"Give it up gaybo, you know that no guy will ever like you yet tons of girls are already begging for you to let them take your V-card." I stood corrected. The girls in the front seat facepalmed at Ashley, "V-card?" I asked, clearly confused. "So innocent. Your virginity, young Harrison." How did they know? Was it really that obvious?

I felt offended by the stupid name she gave me, "First of all that is not my name and second I'm no virgin, what would make you think that?" I lied. I didn't want them thinking I was a total loser, I didn't actually care what people thought of me but I felt strange, like I did not want them to know anything about my sex life. They didn't need to know I had never done anything sexual, that was my business and my business only.

"By what?" Rachel asked in disgust, "A guy..." I needed to think of something to say because I knew she was going to ask- "Who, the only things you ever hang out with is Neil, who sleeps with any chick he can get and ignores all guys and that neighbour boy of yours, Lewis." I froze at that, "It's Louis and I don't hang out with him at all."

"We saw you at the club with him." Eleanor perked her head up and butted into the conversation, "Louis Tomlinson?" I gave her a questioning look, "No, Louis Taylors." She nodded thoughtfully. "Oh well, lets get going, he obviously has already done it with that Tayors kid." Rachel sighed.

As they drove off Ashley stuck her head out the window and called to me, "You're gonna drop your pants for a girl sooner or later Harrison, let's just hope you make the right choice about which girl!" She cackled as she put her head back in.


"Night mum, see you tomorrow." I hurried up the stairs after dinner, I was eager to see Louis because I was confused about what was going on. When I passed his house on the way home I heard a very loud growl and then I ran to my bedroom window in time to see him running extremely fast towards the forest, he was sweating a lot and seemed like he was angry at something.

"Where are you off to in such a rush?" She laughed. I had to quickly think of an excuse, "My arm hurts so really wanna go to bed and get some rest." I started walking upstairs again and when I was halfway there my mum answered a question I never asked but wanted the answer for, "Cast comes off in about a month and a half, have a good sleep Harry." "Thanks"

I reached my room and immediately I was out the window. Something felt off when Louis wasn't in his room, the lights were off and the door was closed, him nowhere in sight, maybe he was still in the forest? Last time he was late he was still in some meeting.

Hours and hours passed by and no show, I ended up falling asleep outside, thankfully I didn't fall off the ledge but I felt upset when I woke up to no Louis and the room exactly as it was the night before. I assumed he was on another vacation, like he does every month so I climbed back inside and changed into skinny jeans and a plain white tee and headed off to school. I had to walk because Niall had actually ended up getting suspended and grounded so I had no ride because my car was being fixed after my sister accidentally drove it into a tree.

The walk to school was boring and uneventful but once I arrived I walked through the doors, did what I needed at my locker and started walking to class. On my way to science I was grabbed and pulled into the janitor's closet, I was soon faced with Rachel in front of me, unbuttoning her shirt, "Drop the pants gaybo." I looked away when she pulled her shirt of and dropped it on the floor, "Hell no, that is disgusting! Let me out." I went for the door but it didn't budge, "Don't bother, Ash and El are blocking it to give us the alone time we need.

"I don't want any time with you, alone OR public!" She grabbed my face and started to force her tongue into my mouth, I pushed her and shoved the door as hard as I could, it burst open and the two girls were on the floor, I ran to my science class and avoided the girls for the rest of the day.

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