Chapter 9

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Louis' POV

"Louis, get up!! Liam and I were out hun-" I heard my sister's voice shout from my open window and sat up quickly, "Where are you?"

She looked around my room until spotting me outside and then looked down to see Harry whose head had now fallen into my lap.

"Fizzy!?" Harry started stirring in his sleep and then sat up. "What are you doing out there? And with him?" She put emphasis on the word 'him' and I got protective. Fizzy tended to be extremely rude when it came to humans, especially Harry Styles and his family since we had been told to stay away from them.

"Leave him out of this!" I snapped, growling at the same time.

Fizzy stepped back with a look of disgust and disapprovement before remembering why she came in, "Liam and I were out hunting last night and a few Alphas and Betas from the Calder pack-"

At this point I was suddenly very aware of what Harry was hearing so I shoved him with my elbow, off of the ledge. He landed with a 'thud' (and quite a loud yell/groan, indicating he was clearly in pain, that honestly hurt me in a way I didn't know possible) on the concrete, I was hoping he'd reach the grass but he didn't quite get there.

"-were out there too, I ran but Liam got scratched up real bad! I can't go because I'm supposed to stay out of pack house, so I need you to help him, please Lou!"

Fizzy was an Omega, like Doris and Ernest, but my father told everyone that we were all Alphas. We had to live outside of the woods so that nobody in the pack would find out, my mother was an Omega and my father an Alpha so we're a mixed family. Generally the Omegas aren't allowed to interact with Betas or Alphas but the Tomlinson pack was different, my great grandfather still believed in tradition and hated when my father mated with an Omega. I was just seen as an Alpha looking to change tradition since I talked to Omegas regularly as well as multiple other pack members. They were also included in meetings, hunts and could live in the link houses or pack house, traditions had began to change drastically in our pack.

"I'll be there as soon as I can," I climbed through the window and grabbed a jacket quickly because the weather was starting to get chilly, "Also, could you not mention anything about the neighbour and I to mum or dad?"

"Fine, just go help him! He's by the lake near Link House 4!!" I threw on some shoes and ran out to help the injured Omega.

Harry's POV

I had no idea why Louis pushed me off and onto the concrete but thought that it must've been because of the strange things his sister was saying, it sounded a lot like Niall's weird talk that I always ignored. When I landed I accidentally screamed very loudly because of me landing on my left arm and most likely breaking it.

I heard a noise on the ground in front of me and opened my eyes to see Felicite standing near me, a look of disgust and anger on her face.

"Please. Help me- ah- help me up, I think my a-arm is broken." I stuttered, then tried to reach out my other arm for her to grab and help me off the ground, she took a step back so I lowered my arm and cowered away from her.

Felicite walked up to me and kicked me in the stomach, to which I groaned in pain, and then proceeded to drag me up and closer to her face by my shirt, "Listen, Styles. You are supposed to stay away from my brother! I don't want you to ever go near him again, you worthless human!!"

She threw me back on the ground and I was beyond confused, from what I'd heard from Lou, she was always so sweet and never hurt anyone (anyone that was 'like them' he had added). I was also confused about her calling me a human but I wasn't focusing on that part, "But, but he's my friend?" I croaked out, still very much in pain.

She then kicked me in the head, giving me a blood nose, "Louis is not  your friend! He hates you, as does our entire family, and he is probably using you. laughing about how pathetic you are to his real friends!"

I had never thought any of his family would hurt someone or insult them, yet here she was, kicking me and throwing insults and rude words my way every chance she got.

I watched as she walked away and into her house, then I dragged myself all the way inside my own house and to my bedroom upstairs to lay in bed and cry. Mum was at work and Gemma went out to a friend's so I had the place to myself to just wallow in my own self pity and cry.

As fun as crying is I wanted to not be bored and actually do something so I got up, being reminded of my broken arm, to clean the blood off my face and then watch prerecorded gogglebox episodes in the living room downstairs.

A few hours went by of me watching tv and eating bananas that were in the fruit bowl on the coffee table, because I didn't want to move off the couch, before my mother burst through the door, "I'm home, Har-"

She started to shout my name until she saw me on the sofa and smiled, that smile dropped when her eyes landed on my arm. I hadn't noticed but it had started to bruise, probably where the bone was broken.

"Oh my gosh! What happened Harry!?" She rushed over and sat next to me, taking my arm and gently examining it, running her fingers over the bruises.

"I was looking out my window and fell out, then rolled down the ledge thing and landed on the ground. I didn't know what to do to it so I left it like this." I hoped my lie was convincing enough, and it seemed as though it was by the reaction I got.

"Oh, Harry. How do you always manage to hurt yourself in the silliest of ways? Be careful by the window next time, okay?" I nodded while my mother went to get some ice and then told me to get ready to go to the hospital.

Once we were both in the car and I had the ice pack in my hand, resting it on my arm, we drove off in the direction of the hospital. It was painful getting in the car and I winced everytime we turned a corner but in the end we arrived at the hospital and I was escorted to a room in the emergency section.

I had to get X-rays and when they were over the doctor gave them to me and pointed out, specifically where the bone was cracked. We were out of the hospital in a little over an hour, I had gotten a cast put on my arm, it was black and not as uncomfortable as I thought it'd be. The drive home was just the radio quietly playing in the background while my mother scolded me about being more careful with my body.

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