Chapter 10

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Mark(Louis' dad)'s POV

I walked into the medical room where I was told my son was helping an injured Omega. As I enter I see him there, talking with the nurse, and Liam Payne on the bed. He had three huge gashes on his upper arm and scratches all over his legs with a few more smaller ones on his face, his head had a small cut and was bleeding as well.

Louis was trying to help out the nurse but seemed very distrated, at one point he huffed, shook his head and hit his chest for no reason at all. The nurse noticed too and sent him out of the room, me following behind him, he stood outside the room in the hallway and I began asking him about his behaviour.

"What is wrong, boy? You seem very distrated and you're acting like never before." He simply looked up at me and ignored my question, asking me one of his own that struck my attention.

"What does it mean when I feel like I'm being pulled, like I shouldn't be here right now but back where I was? When I was running over here I even felt this weird pain in my stomach, then nose. And back at home I felt great pain when I saw one of my friends fall, they landed on concrete and hurt themselves, it hurt me to watch." Finally. I wondered why he never told me that he met his mate.

"That is the feeling of your mate suffering and being in pain. You won't feel it nearly as much as them but it will hurt you too and as for the pull, you've left your mate while she was injured so your body is trying to take you back to them," I smiled as I explained because this only starts to happen when a wolf experiences closeness with their mate after loving them for years. My son had found his mate and had loved her for years already, "To feel this you've obviously had a wonderful encounter or two with your mate recently and have loved her for years. Why did you never tell me you found her?"

As I looked at Louis I noticed his face had gone pale and he had a shocked and hurt expression on his face, I was about to approach him when he muttered something under his breath that shocked me down to my core, then he ran off.

"He's hurt."

'He'? Who is 'he'? I had just explained about mates being hurt and that was what he was feeling, maybe his mate was male? No, not my son. He is straight.

After fishing my phone from my pocket and entering the pack living room, which was empty, I dialed Joe's number and waited for her to pick up. She did just that on the 3rd ring.

"Hello, Darling." I heard her sweet voice on the other end.

"Hi, Hon. What do you know about Louis' mate?" She immediately squealed like the precious childish soul that she is and began questioning me.

"Mate!? MATE!!? He has a mate!!!?? Awwww, my baby is all grown up! Why did I not know sooner, did he keep it from me??? What are they like? Have you met them? Are they nice? Have they had se-"

"Joe! I haven't met them at all yet. I've heard nothing about him." She seemed to stop talking the second I interrupted, thankfully, and listened to what I said. She then questioned me again but less rushed and assertive.

"'Him'? What do you mean 'him'? Does our baby son actually have a boyfriend!?" At this I raised my eyebrow even though she couldn't see me.

"I'll tell you what happened after you tell me what you know about his sexuality." Joannah stayed silent for a bit as if debating on whether or not she should tell me. Then she spoke.

"This is a bit personal, he really would've wanted to tell you himself..." She hesitated so I waited patiently to find out what it was, "Louis, he's um... he's gay, Mark."

My jaw dropped and I didn't know how to react, "Huh?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Do I have to spell it out for you?" My wife laughed and then continued to talk, "He is gay. He likes guys and their penises. Our son, Louis, likes it up the ar-"

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