Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

After I said goodnight to Louis on Wednesday, I messaged Niall.

H: Hey Ni, is it okay for me to invite someone to come out with us on Friday?

It took about ten minutes for him to reply.

N: Yea sure, who u inviting?

H: Louis, my neighbour

I bit my lip, nervous about his answer.

N: U 2 don't even talk, y would u wanna invite him?

H: We talk every now and then, we're pretty good friends. Just thought it'd be nice to invite him too, you two could get to know each other, he's really nice

N: Oh, sure you can invite him

H: Thanks Ni!

I put my phone on charge and went to bed.


It was Friday and we had just finished school for the day. Niall and I were at his place getting ready for tonight. I was wearing some slightly lighter black skinny jeans, light brown boots and a plaid blue button-up. Niall also had black skinnys on but he was shirtless, rummaging through his cupboard.

"Niall, you're taking waaaaayyyyy too long!" I groaned, walking to his cupboard and pushing him out of the way. I picked up a white shirt and some short-sleeved black button-up. "Chuck this shirt on, put this on over it but don't button it up. Then we can finally go." I threw the clothes at him while I spoke.

"Oh, thanks!" He yelled as he pulled the shirt over his head.

I grabbed a random pair of black shoes and stood in front of him holding them for him to put on on after he pulled on the button-up.

Once he was fully dressed we grabbed our phones, wallets and fake IDs, we weren't yet old enough to purchase drinks ourselves, legally, so we had some fake IDs made. We always take a cab to the club since we'd get too drunk to drive.

The cab arrived in front of Niall's place twenty minutes after we called for one, we got in and gave the driver Louis' address. He was sitting on his front step in ripped black skinny jeans, a graphic tee, white shoes and a beanie when we arrived. I undid my seatbelt and moved over to the middle seat, Niall was on my right and Louis was climbing in to sit on my left. "Hey, Lou." I smiled at him, suddenly a lot happier now that he was there.

"Hey, Sunshine. You must be Niall, I'm Louis." He reached over me and shook Niall's hand, I was a blushing mess from the use of his nickname for me.

"Yeah, that's me," Niall dropped his hand and quickly looked between us with a questioning look, "'Sunshine' hey? Cute, it's certainly got you all flustered." He nudged my side and I blushed harder.

Louis looked at me and noticed the blush on my cheeks causing him to laugh, Niall joining him.

They talked with each other, getting to know one another a little the rest of the way there. When the pulled up in front of the club Niall payed for the cab ride and we all got out. Every time we went there we got the booth in the back of the club, so once we had shown the bouncer our IDs that's we went straight to that booth. We slid into it, Louis next to me and Niall across from us.

(This is what the booths look like in the back of the club, then there's a bar and a dance floor

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(This is what the booths look like in the back of the club, then there's a bar and a dance floor.)

Niall seemed to notice how close Louis and I acted. "How long exactly have you two known each other?" He asked, very curious. He looked at me hestitantly as if asking if it was okay for Niall to know, I nodded in response. "6 years." He stated simply, attention back on Niall.Niall's jaw dropped and he stared at me, clearly shocked.

"6 years!? Why did I not know about this!? We have been friends since the second grade and you didn't even tell me about your little rendezvous with your boyfriend! I am offended!" He put emphasis on the word 'offended' while he overdramatically put his hand on his chest. I turned bright red again at the word 'boyfriend' and the waitress came over so we ordered our first round of vodka shots and continued the conversation, much to my dismay.

"He isn't my boyfriend." I insisted, Niall raised his eyebrow with a knowing look on his face. "You want him to be though, and you aren't very good at hiding it. You should see the way you stare at him with your heart eyes and you're stupid little fond gri-" He stopped talking when the waitress came back with our order. By now my face was burried in my hands and my head down in embarrassment and a little shame.

Louis was actually listening to Niall intently with a smirk growing on his face the more Niall talked. We all grabbed a shot glass each and Lou looked at me, smirking again. His eyebrows flicked up at me, quite seductively in my opinion if I may add.

I blushed a darker red and brought my shot glass up to my lips, tipped my head back and swallowed it all in one quick motion. They both laughed at me and copied my actions. We had another few rounds of shots and a buttload of beers and we were very drunk, singing 'Girlfriend' by Avril Lavigne together. Not very well.

"Hey, hey!" We finished the song loudly and laughed at each other and ourselves. We were all laughing very loudly, I threw my head back while I laughed and the angle I was facing made me accidentally lean to the right.

I ended up with my head in Louis' lap, laughing harder than ever. Since my head was already in his lap and my position was very uncomfortable, I moved my legs so that I was laying on my back with my head still in his lap and my legs bent at the knees and feet on the booth right by the wall, still laughing my ass off.

He looked down at me and his laughing died down and he stared into my eyes, I eventually stopped laughing too.

The waitress came over to get the empty beer bottles from our table and was making eyes at Niall, blushing when he would wink at her. They began flirting and he disappeared with her not long after, I didn't notice this though.

I stared at his gorgeous blue eyes and admired every aspect of them, how bright that shade of blue was, how they held so many secrets yet still seemed as though you could see right through them, revealing everything when really it was the exact opposite.

How can someone seem so open but also secretive at the same time?

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