Chapter 27

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Harry's POV

I was so scared, I knew I had no reason to be but I was. They were fighting because of me.

I ran back upstairs but I could hear someone follow me, when I was in my room and sitting on the bed Louis spoke.

"I'm so sorry you had to hear that baby, it won't happen again, promise. Gemma was just making sure I was taking care of you and I got a little protective and defensive, I'm sorry. I'll go home if that makes you feel better, bye Haz." He placed a gentle peck on my forehead and started to leave the room but I grabbed his shirt and softly tugged at him so he knew I wanted him to stay.

And that's what he did. He sat down and shuffled along the bed until his back rest against the headboard and pillows, then he put his hands on my waist and gently lifted me to place me next to him with his arm wrapped around me. I pulled the blanket up over our bodies and snuggled into him.

"I didn't mean to cry, it just scared me a bit. You were yelling and fighting over me, I was scared one of you would hurt the other and I didn't want that to happen, I love you both so much."

"In different ways I hope," he joked out, I laughed at his words and nodded. Then I looked up into his eyes, feeling a bit silly for crying because they fought, "Nobody blames you, sunshine, it was immature of me to fight with your sister like that. I should've just calmly told her how much you mean to me instead of acting that way. Sorry, Harry"

He placed a loving kiss in my curls and I snuggled up to him more. It was pretty late by then so we fell asleep immediately.

Gemma's POV

Louis followed Hazza upstairs while I guiltily looked at the ground, but after a while I went upstairs to apologise to both of them. I acted so mad at Louis about what happened to Haz that I didn't even realise the real reason I was mad was because he was taking my little brother away from me.

Slowly, Harry was starting to spend more and more time with his boyfriend, meaning less time with me and with mum. I hated not having him around as often, he stopped telling me as much as he used to. Before Louis, Harry would tell me basically anything but then it changed when Louis came along. He didn't tell me about them talking for so many years, he didn't admit that it was Louis from next door that he snogged that night even though I already knew it was. I hated how close they were, I hated how sweet Louis was to him and how much he loved him because that meant there was not one reason that he should stay away from him and come back to being close with me.

I was stood outside Harry's door and about to knock when I heard them talking, the door was open slightly and from what I could see it looked like they were laying in bed together. I listened for a bit just to see what was being said, potentially about me, and was shocked when I heard Louis.

"I didn't mean to cry, it just scared me a bit. You were yelling and fighting over me, I was scared one of you would hurt the other and I didn't want that to happen, I love you both so much." Harry said, his voice a bit sad because of his previous crying.

"In different ways I hope," he said in a joking tone which was followed by Harry's small laugh, "Nobody blames you, sunshine, it was immature of me to fight with your sister like that. I should've just calmly told her how much you mean to me instead of acting that way. Sorry, Harry"

He took responsibility, he blamed himself, he pinned it all on himself. I felt slightly guilty but mainly shocked, I didn't realise I stayed there in a shocked manner for about 20 seconds until I heard soft snores from inside the room.

I headed off towards my room and just thought how much Louis really must love him, maybe he wasn't so bad after all?

Harry obviously liked him and he'd always been so caring for Harry, despite knowing how much our family disliked him he came to us when Harry was in trouble. Yet again, he was being responsible and doing whatever was best for Harry even if that meant working with us while mum went off at him and I gave some attitude, that morning I was a lot nicer to him though because he was clearly disturbed.

I changed into PJs and hopped into bed, smiling at the fact that Harry may have found the perfect boy. With the warmth and comfort of my bed along with my lack of energy it didn't take long for me to fall asleep.


"Ahhhhh! Louis, get off! Stop, Lou, aaaaahhh" I jumped out of bed and ran to Harry's bedroom.

I knew he'd hurt him again, how stupid was I to think he may not be as horrible as I thought! I thought as I bolted to the door, I yanked it open and was shocked when I saw something I wasn't expecting.

Baby, You're Perfect • Larry Mpreg - uneditedWhere stories live. Discover now