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I groaned and shifted under my blankets.

Dick got hurt during the mission. Like really badly.


I healed him.

And well, there's a reason they told me not to heal them if they got hurt.

Healing myself is one thing, but when I heal somebody else... That takes a lot more out of me.

On the bright side I didn't die.

My stomach growled. Down side, I'm hungry and I don't want to get up.

But I'm hungry so...

I sat, drawing my blanket around me before getting up and trudging out of my room and down to the kitchen.

And then the scent of food nauseated me.

Welp. Thanks a lot.

Guess I'm not eating.

"Barry!" A familiar voice yelled.

I winced before walking over, and poking my head through the door into the dining room.

Diana, Bruce, Orin, some blonde dude I don't know, Black Canary, a dark haired dude, a boy around ten- The Team is here.

"Sorry Diana. I'm just hungry that's all." Barry, I guess, rubbed the back of his head.

"I will go see if the food- So you're finally awake?" Bruce looked at me.

"Yeah." I mumbled before trying to get out of there before-

"Come meet our guests. Everybody, this is my niece Percy."

Diana stared at me with a questioning look.

Right...Never told her.

"Percy, this is Dinah, Oliver, Clark, John, Barry, Diana and her nephew Billy..."

My turn to silently question her.

"And you already know Arthur. And I believe you know the others as well."

Sighing I entered the room, my blanket trailing on the floor.

"Are you feeling well?" Diana questioned, frowning in concern.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

Kaldur looked like he wanted to come hug me, but at the same time looked scared that he might break me.

Do I really look that weak right now?

My cousin walked over to me and placed a hand on my forehead.

"Fever." She stated. "Go to bed."

"Diana, I am fine." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Then prove it." She laced her fingers together and knelt down like she was going to give me a boost.

I knew what she wanted.

"Fine." I dropped the blanket and backed up before running and...

I was stopped by another coughing fit. But this time something spattered against my hand.

"Ugh..." I stumbled and collapsed against my cousin.

What was that I said about not dying earlier?

Well...we might want to scratch that.

"Percy!" Kaldur and Dick both yelled out at the same time.

"What's going on?" Billy questioned.

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now