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I sighed as I solidified in my room.

I started towards my bed and stumbled.

"Dam it."

I unclasped and then pulled off my top, before hissing in pain.

Stupid Poison Ivy and stupid plants.

Sorry Katie.

But those plants are not nice.

I pulled out a bottle of water and poured it on the long scratch that was across my stomach.

I sighed in relief as it healed. A good thing with being the daughter of Poseidon and being a vigilante.

I can heal the wounds I've gotten.

At least I heal the worst ones. I can deal with small scratches and stuff.

There was a small sound and then my wrist computer activated.

Happy Harbor, Rhode Island. Happy Harbor High.

Please come.

Welp. Guess I'm going to head on over there.

I slid the top back on and clasped it.

I wonder why they would send me a message. I mean the last few days we kinda have been running into each other.

Today included.

But they never really say anything to me.

Which I don't mind, seeing as I have kinda been avoiding Kaldur.

So all's good.

But do I have enough energy to make it there?

Probably not.

But if I die, well it will be my own stupidity.

Cause everyone has been betting on that for years.

So it wouldn't be a surprise.

Anyway...I closed my eyes and traveled once again.

But to a little bit north.

Throw them off a little bit.

Once I was safely solid, I ran towards the meeting place.

I hope Bruce doesn't check in.

But I guess I could always say I went down to the beach.

Cause that's plausible. Right?

But... here's the issue.

When I got to the school.

Nobody was there.

"Bluejay." A gruff voice came out of nowhere.

And Bruce stepped out from the shadows.

"Sup Batman? No bird?"

"Wow. Your observation skills need some work." Dick jumped down, standing beside Bruce.

I shrugged. "Whatcha gonna do?"

"You are acquainted with the Team correct?"

"The birdie over there is on it. So you tell me."

Bruce sighed. "I have brought up the possibility of you joining the Team with the League. They have agreed that you can join."

Was not expecting this.

"What's the catch?" I questioned, there's probably a really big one.

"You will be required to have a mentor within the League."

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now