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Um...what do I wear what do I wear?

He didn't tell me where we were going...so I have no idea what to wear.

I mean I could...no.

Never in a million years.

Guess I'm gonna go with...

Okay. When did Bruce get me this shirt?

Cause I feel like I didn't have it before.

But I am so wearing it.

A few minutes later there was a knock at my door.

I opened it revealing Kaldur who was wearing jeans...and a T-shirt.

"No jacket?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I do not need it. Plus it is in the wash." Right...

His gaze trailed over my outfit and he smiled.

"I like that shirt."

"You are completely and utterly biased."

"I will not deny that. But are you sure you are feeling well enough to-"

"I'm fine." I wrapped my arms up around his neck. "But seriously. Where are we going?"

He sighed. "Please be honest. Are you capable of safely vapor traveling us somewhere?"

I pressed my lips together. "I... don't know."

My powers are linked to my emotions...and after earlier...

"Actually, I think I know someone. Come on." I walked over to the door and reached for the handle.

But then it was opened.

"Kaldur. There's a mission."

"Of course. Have the others departed?"

My uncle nodded.

Kaldur placed a small kiss on my temple. "Maybe tomorrow then."


"Can you get to the Cave?"

"Like I said I know somebody." I lightly kissed his lips. "And I mean that."

"I will stay safe." He played along before leaving the room.

Once they were gone I opened my window and sat on the ledge sunglasses in hand before whistling.

Within moments a certain pegasus was staring me in the eye.

Sup Boss?

"A drama queen. And would you stop calling me Boss?"

Sure fire thing Boss.

"Hey Blackjack can you take me to Happy Harbor, Rhode Island?"

Finally you ask for my help. Not like I've been laying around waiting for something to do.

"Sorry buddy. I'll make it up to you. Donuts?"

I love you Boss.

I jumped out and landed on his back.

I hate it when you do that.

I laughed and shook my head, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Burying my face in his mane, I tried to relax.

-even listening right now?

"Sorry. I'm just out of it today."

Well we're here. Where do you want me to set you down?

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now