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"Stay here. I don't need to worry about you on top of worrying about Dick." Bruce ordered, standing right outside my door.

I nodded and faked a yawn. "I'm tired anyway Bruce. I'm probably gonna sleep for a month."

Okay I shouldn't say faked a yawn.

It was real.

But I don't need as much sleep as I used to.

Hell kinda does that to you.

"Okay. Sleep tight then. Alfred will be right down the hall if you need help or anything."

"Night Bruce. Be safe."


That's completely ironic coming from me.

Cause since when have I been safe?

I walked back inside my room and shut the door.

And cause I'm not stupid, I waited until his footsteps faded before locking it.

Then I grabbed the suit out from underneath the mattress where I stored it.

Not as idiotic as you thought am I?

Quickly stripping I slipped into the pants and secured the clasps across the shirt.

"Dam it! Why is this like a shirt? Why not a fricking clasp!?"

If you couldn't tell I was having some issues with the cape.

But I did eventually get it on and slid on the boots and gloves. And the belt.

Never ever forget the belt.

"Well...where are we going to go hm?" Mumbling, I fired up the computer.

I think I can risk using the internet...demigod lifestyle anyway.


An alert popped up.

Why not? I tapped it.

"Well. I don't think people appreciate priceless artifacts being stolen...so yep."

Why would you even send priceless artifacts to Gotham in the first place?

It doesn't make any sense.

But it does make fun for me.

And so, I put on the mask.

And before you start on that whole this is dangerous thing, I've been through hell.

Your argument is invalid.

I vapor traveled to the Gotham City Museum which could technically be like three different museums but I don't care, not like I don't know which one this is or anything.

And instead of appearing on the floor...

I landed in the rafters.


Thank you whatever survival instinct that's kept me alive so far.

But back to the matter at hand...

There were two men on lookout.

And I'm going to guess maybe three more were doing the actual robbing.

Although there could be more...

I'm gonna go with three.

Call it a gut feeling.

Now what do we have in this belt?

Smoke bombs.

Grappling hook.

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now