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When I woke up...

It was to the sound of yelling.

"-our bed?!"


"Don't you dare tell me to calm down!"

Groaning I sat up. "Dad? What's going on?" I yawned before rubbing my eyes.

My step-mother was staring at me confused before everything seemed to click.

"Did you have a nightmare my dear?"

I didn't answer her...which was probably answer enough.

Dad sighed. "Go back to sleep princess. You need it."

"I'm fine." I crossed my arms.

Reaching over he lightly shoved me so I was laying back down.

"Not cool Dad." I sat back up, playfully glaring at him.

He laughed, wrapping an arm around me. "Go get dressed. I'm going to go talk to Diana and Orin."

"Okay." I smiled before trying-

"Just swim Percy. I don't want you doing that more than you have to right now."

I sighed and nodded before swimming out of the room.

And of course the Chamberlain was waiting outside.

"Unless you want to end up dead, don't test me." I swam past, not sparing him a glance.

Once I was in my room, I quickly found the only thing in my closet here I actually like.

A sweatshirt and sweatpants.

Which I may or may not have stolen from Triton. He's a god, he can get more.

Okay so I'm skipping over me swimming cause that's boring and...

"Kaldur!" I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"Percy...you are acting like you have not seen me in forever." He smiled down at me.

"Well, I mean the last time wasn't under the best circumstances." I shrugged before swimming towards the throne room.

Then I stopped and looked back at them. "Are you coming?" And without waiting for an answer I continued.

"Uh...I guess we follow her then?"

"Your Highness." The guards dipped their heads.

"They're with me."

I just want to get this day over with. I want to either go back to the Manor and just lounge. Or go to Diana's place and hang out with her.

Or hang out with Kaldur.

As we entered the throne room, Dad glanced up, smiling at me and then glaring at Bruce.

I quickly bowed at his feet, just to annoy him, before sitting down in front of him.

"As I understand it, there was a curse that caused you to have wings and when you tried to reverse it, you ended up with tails?"

"Pretty much. So are you going to help us or not?"

Dad sighed. "There's two of them."

"Oh please. You know your brothers want me dead."

"Less so now. Zeus yeah... he's just dramatic. But you know Hades doesn't hate you."

"Dad. I destroyed his army in the Underworld. I don't think that wins me any favors."

"Uh. Hate to interrupt but we need to get this sorted out my Lord."

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now