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I swirled the wine around the glass before taking a sip. Normally I avoid alcohol for Percy, but I've had so many nightmares...

"Kaldur?" Speaking of Percy, she poked her head through the doorway.

Sighing I sat the glass down. "Hello starfish. Why are you awake?"

"Because I woke up." She leaned against the doorframe, my shirt draping her small figure.

I nodded before taking another sip. Percy frowned and walked over to me, a gentle hand resting on my arm.

"I am sorry starfish, but I need something..."

Her other hand wrapped around the glass and she, to my surprise, drank some.

"What?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I did not think you would be one to drink."

A sigh escaped her lips and she took another drink. "Neither did I. But my mom used to have a glass when we were at the cabin, so I associate this with her I guess. Plus do you know how hard it is to go to a royal party and there be something other than alcohol there?"

After a moment of silence, she suddenly spoke. "Wait...why do you need something?"

I wrapped my arms around her and pressed my face to her stomach. "Nightmares."

Percy rested a hand on the back of my head. "What about?"

"Tula's death...sometimes I see you instead of her. They tried to get me to contact you but I lied to them...I thought it was the godly blood that ended with the first demigod to fight that thing dead. But if I would have...you...you would have found a way to survive."

"Kaldur, you're sounding like me." She knelt down and stared at me, arms resting on my legs. "And Tula made the decision herself, you need to accept that."

I reached out and ran my fingers through her hair. "Percy...you are a hypocrite."

She sighed. "I know...but my fatal flaw is loyalty. I can try to convince myself that it wasn't my fault, but deep inside I always have the stabbing pain telling me that it is."

I drank the rest of the wine before responding to that...mainly because I don't want to waste it.

And my response was to grab Percy under the arms and carry her to my room.

Once I sat her on my bed, I pressed a kiss to her forehead. "After I brush my teeth, can we cuddle? I like you being next to me."

"Sure, just let me go brush my teeth first." She got up and walked out to the bathroom in her quarters.

As I brushed my teeth, flashes of my nightmare ran through my head.

Afterwards, I sat down waiting for Percy.

But I ended up staring at my wrist...at the faints scars from five years ago.

I wish it was only the one time that I did this.

Percy would still cut...she just hid it more. That's why I check her arms every time she stays in my room.

My door opened and Percy walked in and sat beside me.

I pulled her into a soft kiss, the minty taste of toothpaste almost drowning out the saltiness of her lips.

"You okay?" She mumbled after pulling away.

I grabbed her hands and guided them so they were looped around my neck.

"I am okay." I mumbled shuddering when she traced the edges of my gills with her fingers.

"Does that feel weird?" She tilted her head. "You always shiver when I do that."

Smiling I kissed her again before tracing her lips staring into her eyes. The corners of my mouth twitched into a smirk as she shivered herself.

"A little bit like that starfish. But my gills are a lot more sensitive."

I regretted saying that when my fiancee's eyes seemed to glow.

"Let's go to sleep." I mumbled and laid down.

Percy got up and turned off the light before getting in next to me.

Her head rested right below my chin, her breath ghosting over my gills.

"Percy...please stop. I know you are doing that on purpose." I shifted, but no matter how I tried somehow her breathing always hit them.

She giggled and turned her head slightly so the air only hit against the hollow of  my throat. "They really are sensitive."

Percy pushed me over onto my back before rolling on top of me.

"Starfish, why do you do this?" I couldn't hide the laughter in my voice as she nuzzled my chest.

"Because I want you to feel safe and happy. I..." She sighed.

"I don't want you to do what I used to."

"When was the last time?" I breathed out, running her hair through my fingers.

"Um...two years ago? Three? I don't remember but there was a lot of stuff and...survivor's guilt and PTSD isn't anything light Kaldur."

"I know starfish. But you did tell someone correct?"

"Not...exactly. Dad found me and kinda kept me glued to his side. Didn't let me go on anymore quests until he was sure I was fine. Probably the reason he was so quick to make me stay with him."

I hummed, resting a hand on her back. "Nothing since that though?

"Nope." She placed a hand on the side of my face. "I didn't do anything to hurt myself."

I kissed the top of her head and closed my eyes trying to fall asleep.

Right before I did, I could feel her fingers trace my gills again.

"Percy please stop."



Are you guys surprised...

that I haven't done anything...


And...I think I'll try to end this on 80

Otherwise my friend will beta my for not doing it on a nice round number

(She graduates in 2021 she's super upset)


Ideas or anything?

See yah

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now