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"How the heck did you do that?!"

"Magic." Grover replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Wow. Best explanation ever Grover."

He stuck his tongue out at me. "Better than your book reports."

"You know I got those off the internet."

"And how they didn't know escapes me."

"Oh please, the only way they'd think something was up is if I passed all my classes."

"Um...how about we go where she isn't being held captive by plants?"

"You guys seriously didn't see her escape? Man, I thought I was bad at this." I chuckled throwing an arm around his shoulder.

"You are bad at this. Now how about we head somewhere a bit safer, plants aren't really the best defense." Grover smiled.

"Especially when we have a hungry vegetarian." I mumbled.

"I ate before I got here, thank you very much."

"Did you bring me an enchilada?"

"Why would I share with you? You never gave me any of your mom's cookies."

"Touché monsieur pussycat."

The Team stared at me.

"You really just quoted Tom&Jerry?" Wally questioned me.

"Quality entertainment. Nothing like watching a cat and mouse fight to relax you after a hard day of school work."

Wally opened his mouth but...

"Enough. We need to move these three to a secured-"

There was the sound of distant crashing. I looked over at Grover.

He chuckled nervously and pulled out his pipes. "Did I forget to mention that I may have been followed?"

I sighed. "You are so taking me to the dam snack bar later."

He laughed.

Everyone else stared at us.

"Okay, me and Grover are gonna head towards the docks, you guys should meet us there."

"Starfish, it is not safe. He might-"

"Trust me."

Kaldur hesitated before nodding.

I grabbed Grover's arm and drug him in a random direction...


Random isn't exactly the word.

Any direction that didn't lead directly to the sound is more appropriate.

"Grover, take off your shoes. I don't feel like running back after them."

"Well aren't you Girl Scout of the year?"

I sighed and leaned against a tree as he slipped them off and shoved them in his backpack.

"There, happy?"

"Grover, I will give you all my left over tin cans for the next year okay? We need to go."

"Okay. But I am holding you to that Perce."

I grabbed his arm and pulled him after me, ignoring his bleats.

"Do you have any idea where we're even going?"

"To the docks."

"Do you know how to get to the docks?"

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now