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"Really?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It is necessary. Without proper care... your health may suffer." Hawkman stated. "I will leave you to decide the details."

I sighed and looked at the others. "Well, how are we going to do this?"

"Draw straws?" Artemis suggested.

"We have an odd number though."

Dick chuckled softly. "Actually, I did this earlier. I'm gonna go read."

Wally groaned. "We have school tomorrow and they have us do this instead? Shouldn't we be figuring out how to get back to normal?!"

"How about Megan and Connor since they're dating...and you two cause you should have no problem with that right?" I looked at them.

"That sounds fine with me. Come on Connor."

"I guess that's fine...but I will kill you if you ever speak of this!"

Me and Kaldur walked to his room, carrying what the Hawks had left for us.

"This is going to be fun." I grumbled.

"It won't be that bad." Kaldur closed the door and sat down, with the supplies next to him.

Sighing I took off my shirt, leaving me in my sports bra. And you know, blushing.

I sat down infront of Kaldur, my wings tense, covering most of my back.

"It is okay starfish. You do not have to-"

I turned around and hugged him, pressing my face into his neck. "Please...please don't freak out."

"Everytime you tell me that...it is usually something where I should freak out." He mumbled.

I slowly pulled away from him and kissed him lightly. "Please."

Then I sat back infront of him and relaxed my wings.

And... there's the gasp. Well, sharp intake of breath but you know, gasp.

I felt Kaldur trace the scars my back and...

"I am sorry."


"Because I am freaking out."

Then he sighed and gently ran his fingers over the feathers on my wings, occasionally lingering in certain places. "How did you get them?"

I closed my eyes. "How do you think?"

He paused, before fumbling with something and resuming.

"Just from when you fell or-"


After that it was silent, at least until Kaldur was done messing with my wings.

"Your feathers are soft." He nuzzled the back of my neck.

"Your turn." I said, standing up and moved behind him.

Kaldur pulled off his shirt and sat it aside, stretching his wings out...his wings pretty much filling the room.

I groaned and rested my head against his back. "Why are your wings so long!?"

Kaldur chuckled and turned around. "You are aware I still have to do the insides of your wings correct?"

I pouted and stared at him. "I don't want to."

Sighing he placed a hand on the side of my face. "Please?"

I rolled my eyes. "No."

"Percy..." He leaned forward. "Please? I will keep asking."

"Fine." I huffed.

Kaldur smiled and started working on my wings again.

"Thank you starfish. The only reason I insisted is... well, you do not care for yourself the way you should."

"Yeah yeah, I know. I get lectured by everybody." I shifted and pulled Kaldur into a hug, wrapping my wings around him.

He tensed up before relaxing. "I was not done starfish."

"I know."

"And if I may...is there a reason you are being so cuddly?"

I looked up at him. "Cause you are cuddly."

He raised an eyebrow. "I frankly do not believe that."

Pulling away, I moved behind him once again finally doing his wings, running my fingers over his feathers, straightening any that were seriously out of place.

And then using the brush thingy to put the oil stuff over the feathers. It's like a synthetic version of what birds normally put on their wings or something.

I was totally paying attention earlier.

"Okay, now I have to do the front of yours." I moved so I was infront of him again.

"Let me finish as well."

So a little while later we were done done... what's the word? Preening?

Anyway, Kaldur pulled me onto his lap, my head resting against his chest.

"You are so beautiful." He wrapped an arm around my waist.

"You're comfy." Was my mumbled reply.

Then I wrapped one arm up around his neck and straightened up.


I brought my other hand up and ran it over his short hair. "I love you."

Then I leaned in and pressed my lips against his. Kaldur smiled against my lips and wrapped his other arm around me, pulling me closer.

Then he broke away, nuzzling my neck. "I love you as well."

I just sat there, enjoying his warmth and trailing my fingers along his tattoos.

"Were you okay last night?" He rested his chin on my head.


"The truth."

"You know, I hate how you can tell I'm lying but...I kinda like it too. It's so nice with you...I feel..."

I paused searching for the right words. Kaldur surrounded me with his arms and his wings, cutting off my chances of escape aside from vapor travel.

"Happy? Content? I...I uh...I just-" I sighed and took his hand. "I don't know how to describe it. I just feel like I'm safe."

"You are safe with me. I will not allow you to get hurt."

"But what about yourself? It's kinda selfish for me if you get hurt just because you don't want me to get hurt."

"So isn't that in a way similar to what you have been doing? You do what you do because you don't want to hurt others. But you hurt others by not letting them help you."

I almost sighed, but I caught myself.

He doesn't understand it. Nobody really does. All the guilt...every single thing I could have done...what I didn't do...

I can't hold this much longer.

And despite having Kaldur...

I don't know if I could even try.

Welcome to my brain when I was sitting in a car for two hours while my mom's fiance tried to figure out what was wrong with my car.

And...I actually did research for this chapter...I was that bored today.

So yeah...

I need to get to bed. It's 10:45 as I type this and mandatory starts tomorrow for tennis.

Okay so now it's morning and I honestly have no idea what this chapter even is. But it's done so...

See yah

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now