fourteen ☽ "I- II- have to go,"

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time skip to when they get to school, im lazy

The three of them hopped out of Johnny's car as they take a deep breath. "You ready," I ask Johnny nervously as I see him playing with his hands.

"Ya, I'm fine, but will my fans think and everything and how-," he started to say, before I cut him off and gave him a hug. I smile at him through the hug, "It's ok John, you have me."

We both let go out of the hug as I see Lauren fangirling over us. I just roll my eyes as I slowly walk towards the gates of hell.

As soon as we pushed those doors open, all we heard was a bunch of overlapping whispers and stares as we glare down the hallway.

"I heard Johnny hooked up with that pig."

"Why is SHE with him?"

"Johnny is back OMG"

"Isn't that the girl who Sophia kicks?"

"You're ugly, pig"

"She's gross, what does he see in her"

At all those comments my eyes began to tear up. But I was going to be strong. I wasn't about to let those comments get in my way. As Johnny and I arrived at our lockers, which are right next to each other and we waved bye to Lauren.

I was lost in thoughts when I heard Johnny's voice, "Hey Kenzie, you ok?" And all I did was shake my head. He pulls me into a hug were I felt fireworks, sparks.

"It's going to be ok, I'm here for you," he whispers to me as I bury my head into his chest. We stayed like that for about a minute until my worst nightmare came up to us.

"Ew why are you hugging a pig," I hear Sophia say as I roll my eyes. Johnny replies back in angry, "I'm hugging a god damn angel." I blushed at that comment.

"You really want me to expose you, don't you," she says to Johnny as I see a crowd forming around us. I look at Johnny confused as he looks to the floor.

"Don't," was all Johnny managed to choke out. "Fine, but next time I see you with her, I will expose everything about you Johnny Orlando," she spits out sassing away.

I start fiddling with my hands as Johnny looks at the floor. "Um I have to get to class," I said to him in a whisper and he just nods. "I'll see you later," I say as a few moments of silence as I kiss his check.

There was no one in the hallways at that time and also no cameras. Everyone had already left for class and we were going to be late.

Before I could leave I felt myself being pulled back and I felt soft lips smash into mine. At first I was too shocked to do anything, but before you knew it I kissed back.

We kissed for about 5 seconds till we pulled away. "I- II- have to go," I said stuttered before running into my math class.

I'm not going to lie. That was amazing, reminded me of my first kiss with him. I smiled at the thought.

- flashback -

"Come on Kenzie," I hear 15 year old Johnny yelling at me. I laugh. "I'm coming," I said to him as I chased him up the hill.

We both got up to the hill out of breath as we just laid their in the peaceful sunlight. It was the middle of the day and both of us were bored as heck.

"Hey Kenzie, can I ask you a weird question?" he blurts out all of a sudden. I look at him funny before nodding my head. "Go for it," I reply back smiling.

"Have you ever had you're first kiss," he asks and I chuckle. "No I haven't, have you?" He shakes his head as well.

"Can I be your first kiss," he asks after sitting their for about 5 minutes after that topic. "Sure," I giggle as he leans into me.

All of a sudden I felt soft, plump lips land on me and I kiss back. We may have only been 13 but we did know about kissing at that age.

We pull back after a while and laugh. "That felt so weird," I said to him as he nods him head. We burst out laughing again as we continue to have the best day ever.

He may have been my first kiss, but a few weeks later he left me. I thought that after that, we may be together, but turns out I was wrong. I never knew the full story on why he left but I knew it had something to do with his music and that's it.

- end of flashback -

I sigh as I sit back in my chair. His kiss makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world. Like it's just us together, no one else.

Then I realized he had a girlfriend. Sophia may be my bully, but she is still human and I don't think Johnny should cheat on her.

I don't know why Johnny kissed me, but all I knew was one thing,

"I liked it no matter how much it hurts me and other people.."

a/n you're welcome for you're first officially jenzie kiss. i felt bad for not having one yet so i decided to add one to spice things up hehhe. also i said this was a long chapter, but nah i got to make two separate chapters just to leave y'all on a cliff hanger, hehehe. anyways hope you all liked this chapter, because honestly this is my favorite chapter i have wrote. oH and i made a 3D edit and lowkey so proud (it's on @/editingfaith on ig if you want to see it) and yea hhehee. ok bye, i love you all, you're welcome for the kiss and cliffhanger (ish)

q ! do you have an instagram? if yes, comment it below!

a ! mine are crystalstribes and editingfaith (i have others but these are my main)

and also...

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dedicated to storysbysor dealovesfinn
and also ohzieg cause y'all
all my cool friends, hehe
ily all

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