twelve ☽ 3 am

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just want to say hi(:

It was 3:03 am in the morning. I roll over and look at the other side of the bed. Lauren was there sleeping as soundly as possible. I sigh, how does she fall asleep so peacefully when all this is going on.

I rolled back over and looked at the ceiling. All of a sudden I have the urge to get water. "Ugh," I whisper to myself as I slowly creep out of the bed and out of the room

I slowly go down the stairs and try my hardest not to bump into anything, since it was dark and I didn't want to wake anyone.

I grab a glass and start to fill it with water. I slowly start to drink it and was about to put it into dishwasher when suddenly I bump into a muscular figure.

"Ouch," I said to myself as the lights turns on and I see a hand extend out to me. I grab the hand and look up to see the one person I was avoiding the most.


"You can't sleep either?" he asks me and I just chuckled. "Not really, just came down for some water, but I was just about to leave don't worry," I reply back trying to walk away but I feel myself being pulled back.

"Stay. Please," I hear him whisper. "Fine," I reply back hopping on top of the countertop. It was silent and awkward for the first 10 minutes until I remembered the car ride.

"What were you going to tell me before Lauren barged into our conversation at starbucks," I ask him. I see his head look down at his feet, his shoulders begin to drop, his emotions failed, he became to become weak.

"I- I- I can't say," he says stuttering with sadness. I became to become angry. "What is so damn secretly you can't tell your freaking best friend?" I asked him with anger in my voice.

I see him start to mutter stuff to himself. I couldn't tell all the words but I made out some of them.

"Should I tell her?"

"Sophia would kill me tho"

"She can't know"

"I- her too much"

Couldn't hear the last word of what he said, but I decided to drop the conversation. It was 3 in the morning and I wasn't in the mood to fight.

"I'm sorry for asking," I managed to crook out while looking down at the floor. He just sighs before looking over to me and replying, "It's ok, just go to sleep now."

We both slowly walk up the stairs before stopping at the very top just before departing to go to our separate rooms.

"Johnny?" I said to him and he looks over. "Yea?" he replies back and I managed to smile. "Its good to have you back, I've missed you," I said.

"I've missed you too," he replies back and I couldn't handle it anymore, I lean in to give him a hug. He does the same.

After about 10 seconds we pull away. "Goodnight Kenzie," he says to me as he kisses my forehead. "Goodnight John," I said smiling.

We depart our separate ways, he going into his room, and me going into Lauren's. I smiled, even tho I still don't know stuff, I'm happy to have him back again.

"I wish I could tell you I love you," I said to myself before falling into a peacefully sleep.

a/n hEYYYYYYYYY. so its actually like only 2pm where i am rn while im writing this. which is surprising cause i usually write at like 10 at night oops. also we hit 100 followers eckkkkk. so today i am updating all my stories, so you could go check them if they are out already. thank you guys, i love you so muchhh

and also...

don't forget to follow me (:

dedicated to storysbysor and
dealovesfinn like always heheh love you both

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