twenty eight ☽ record deals and world tours

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ptt wow, i'm terrible at updating. last chapter tho aww

It has been about 3 weeks since Johnny asked Mackenzie to be his girlfriend. They have been going strong, and mostly everyone supports them.

Well besides Sophia and her little crew. They are still trying to do something. Ahem, anywaysss back to the story.

- time skip -

As Mackenzie enters the school, a huge smile echos on her face. Today was the day she would be performing "What If" with Johnny today, and she was a happy camper. Then again she was scared, scared of failing, scared of being humiliated once again.

Johnny on the other hand, not that nervous. He's a pop star, remember? But yes he was still a bit nervous. Not about performing the song, but performing it with Mackenzie. He felt as if he was going to mess everything up again.

Mackenzie takes a deep breath before walking up to her friends and her boyfriend. "Guess who?" she whispers into her boyfriend's ear, as she covers his eyes. He chuckles. "My favorite Mckenzis," he replies back as he turns around to peak her lips.

"GET A ROOM!"Brynn yells as they all just laugh. "You nervous for today," Johnny asks Mackenzie as he sees her fiddling with her fingers.

She nods. "What if I mess up? What if I forget the words? What if I said-" she starts but Johnny interrupts her with a kiss.

(oh anyone see that what if reference and they are singing what if too. AHHAAHAH. oh ok back to the story. i just felt the need to say that hehe)

Mackenzie instantly kisses back, as she runs her fingers through his hair and as Johnny pulls her closer. "Children. Children. WE HAVE CLASS, MAKE OUT LATER," Lauren yells at them as they pull apart embarrassed.

"Sorry mom," Kenzie jokingly replies to Lauren as they are start towards their classes. Midway into conversation they arrive at the classroom door. As they just realized they were late, they glare at each other before running towards their seats.

The teacher just laughs. "Glad you guys could join us," Mr. Harrison joked with them as the class laughs. He was a pretty chill teacher with them. Mostly. Just don't get on his bad side.

"So today everyone will be presenting your projects. And please have something, I don't need you kids just standing up here and wasting my time for nothing," Mr. Harrison starts as they all laugh at his last comment.

"...First up we have Annie Leblanc and Hayden Summerall," he finally says after finishing his rules and shit. Annie and Hayden walk up together as their friends cheer them on.

Annie takes a deep breath before talking, "Today Hayden and I will be performing Little do you Know." Hayden hits play on his phone to let the instrumental music play as they begin to sing.

As they finish singing, a round of applause is heard echoing around the classroom, and especially from their group of friend. Mr.Harrison applauses then as well before they return to their seat.

Brynn and Carson went after them. Carson sang one of his written songs, "You're the Reason" while Brynn danced gracefully to it. They got a round of applause before they sat down.

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