Chapter 1- Hottest Guy In School

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I woke up to a car horn honking outside my bedroom window. "What the hell?" I asked myself, rubbing my light blue eyes as I crawled out of bed. As I made my way to my window, I stole a glance at my clock. 7:32 A.M.

Crap! I was going to be late for school. I hurried to my closet to pick out an outfit. Two minutes later I walked out with my favorite red tang top and a pair of blue skinny jeans and a black pair of Uggs in my hand. As I rushed past my window, I looked out it and saw that my best friend, Zoey Brooks, screaming at my neighbor.

I chuckled to myself as I shook my head at her and ran to my bathroom. I quickly put on some  and grabbed my phone off the bed. As I walked out of my bedroom I put my long blonde hair into a pony tail and snatched my purple backpack off the floor. I looked at my phone to see that it was 7:35 A.M. I had to be at school at 8:00A.M. and it takes 20 minutes to get there from my house. I groaned out loud as I sprinted down the stairs. "Bye mom! Bye dad!" I hollered and ran out the door.

"Well next time you should be up at this time!" Zoey screamed as I walked up to her 2011 red mustang. "Zoey relax!" I whispered/yelled at her when I got closer to her. "I'm sorry Mr. Hemsworth, she's a little crazy in the mornings. I promise it won't happen again," I apologized to my neighbor. "It better not, you annoying and stupid teenagers," Mr. Hemsworth mumbled under his breath as he walked inside. I laughed and hopped into Zoey's car.

"Cray?" Zoey asked when I put my seat belt on. "Kayla Scout are you serious? I am not crazy!" she screamed. I laughed as I said, "Yeah you kind of are." She mumbled something under her breath as she sped of to school seeing that it was 7:42 A.M. "What was that?" I asked her, sending her a


When we got to the Central High School, we had to jumped out of the car and rush into school as the bell rung. Zoey and I went our separate ways since I had math and she had science. As I sprinted down the hallway, I ran into Dr. Driver, our school principal. I swayed a little as I caught my balance. "Miss Scout, why are you running in the halls?" Dr. Driver roared.

"I'm sorry sir, just if I'm late for class again, I'll get detention and I really don't want detention," I said breathlessly from all the running. "Well you should be more careful next time," he countered. "Yes sir." Dr. Driver sighed. "Get to class Miss Scout." I nodded as I speed walked to my class.

I heard the bell ring as I was around the corner from my classroom. I cursed under my breath and grabbed the knob of the door. I turned it and swung the door open. Everyone's eyes landed on me when I stepped into the doorway. Mrs. Olive, my math teacher looked at me with her arms over her chest. 'Oh God, I'm so going to get it now, I thought.

"Nice for you to join us Miss Scout," Mrs. Olive said as I walked into math class. "Detention after school," she said and I sighed. I looked around the room to see where I could sit. Oh God. The only seated left was in the middle row next to the hottest boy in the whole school. Mike Goodfree. As I made my way to the seat, I was tripped by none other then Julia Styles.

I got ready to hit the hard cold floor, but then I felt two pairs of hands grab my waist and pulled me up. I looked into those beautiful green eyes as Mike asked, "Are you okay?" I nodded and mumbled, "Thanks." He nodded making his dirty blonde hair fly all over the place as he let me go and turned back to his seat. "Bitch," Julia coughed making the whole room laughed. I blushed and took my seat next to Mike.

"That's enough," Mrs. Olive yelled across the classroom, making everyone quiet down. I took my backpack off my back and put it next to my feet. I took out my yellow notebook and a red pen out of my backpack. I looked at him up and down. He was wearing a white t-shirt that showed off his six pack, blue jeans, and purple sneakers. Then I looked at Julia. She was wearing a red blouse with skinny jeans and brown cowgirl boots. I looked away and started to write down notes my teacher told the class to for an upcoming test.


"Oh my god really?" Zoey screeched as she jumped up and down making people star at her like she was crazy. "Yes now come down!" I whispered. I just told her what happened in math class and she was making it a big deal. "Maybe he likes you," she said a little calmer, but was still jumping up and down.

"Don't be silly," I said, "he just grabbed me so I didn't hit the floor and have a bloody nose." "Whatever you say Kay, whatever you say..." she said, winking at me as her grabbed her lunch and started walking to our table where our friends, Scott, Justin, Sara, and Rachel was sitting. I grabbed my lunch, paid for our lunch, and jogged to catch up to her.  When I finally did, she was already sitting at our lunch table talking to Rachel.

"Hey guys," I said with a smile as I sat down in between Justin and Scott. "Hey," he said, bumping his shoulder into mine, "Watcha got there?" I looked down at my chicken patty with fries on the side with a bottle of water. "Oh, you know, the usual, salad with a soda and a bag of chips," I said sarcastically, looking up a him.

"Ha-ha, very funny," he said rolling his eyes, "I'll take a French fry though." I slapped his hand as he reached to grabbed a French fry and yelled, "Don't put your dirty hands on my food!" "Yeah!" Scott said beside me, grabbing 3 fries from my lunch and pooped them in his mouth, "Don't put you dirty hands on her food."

"Hey!" I yelled whipping my head towards him. I sent him daggers as I put my hands over my fries protectively. "Zoey! They are picking on me! Help!" I called over to Zoey, my eyes darting to Justin and then Scott. "Both of you knock it off and stop picking on her or I'll shove some French fries up your guys' noses!" she yelled at them.

They both held their hands up defensively, but were still laughing. I stuck my tongue at both of them and smirked. I ate my lunch while talking to the guys. "So, I heard you got detention, huh?" Justin said, grinning, "What'd you do this time, little girl?" He ruffled my hair, making me scowl. "I was late for math again because I over slept and got stopped by Dr. Driver for running in the hall, and stop touching my hair!" I exclaimed, swatting his hand away from my head.

"Good job, Kay," Scott said. "Don't call me Kay, please, I have a name for a reason," I sighed. "Sorry, Kayla," he apologized. I waved him off and said across the table, "Anyone have trash that they want me to throw away?" Zoey slid her tray to me with her Sloppy Joe to me. I picked it up and but it on top of my empty tray.

"Anyone else?" I asked one last time. When no on answered, I shrugged and walked over to the trash can. As I swerved around the tables, I tripped over someone's backpack and split the Sloppy Joe on the girl in front of me. Of course, it had to be Julia. As I regained my balance, I starred wide eyed at her. 'I'm so screwed,' I thought to myself as I watched Julia.


Hi everybody. :) I'm kinda new to all this writing stuff so please tell me how I do. Thanks!

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