All Herbs

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Herbs are one of the most important things to know about if your story revolves around medicine cats. Here I have gathered a list with help from the Warriors' Wiki of every herb, their uses, their smell/taste, and where they are found. Some information may be missing, but that's probably because I couldn't find it.

Borage Leaves are blue and pink star-shaped flowers with hairy leaves. They are chewed and eaten. Borage increases milk in queens and brings down fevers. Grows best in forests.

Burdock Root is a tall-stemmed, sharp-smelling thistle with dark leaves. It is applied to bites and cures an infection. The root is dug up, soil washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp. Usually in dry places.

Beech leaves are large, broad leaves that can be serrated, entire or sparsely. Are used to carry other herbs.

Bindweed Arrowhead shaped leaves with pale white or pink trumpet-shaped flowers. Grows almost anywhere, used to fasten sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.

Blackberry leaves from a prickly blackberry bush. Found almost anywhere and are very handy. Leaves are chewed into a pulp that eases the swelling of bee stings.

Broom are shrubs with small leaves and small yellow flowers. It is used to make poultices for broken bones and wounds, grows in forests. Hard to find but is very useful.

Burnet has oval-shaped leaves with serrated. The stems are tall and have large clusters of small flower buds on top. Used in a traveling bundle to keep strength up.

Catmint is a delicious-smelling, leafy plant, found in Twoleg gardens. It is eaten and is a remedy for Greencough. Rarely found in the wild; mostly found in Twoleg gardens.

Chervil is a sweet-smelling plant with large fern-like leaves and small white flowers. Its leaves can be applied to wounds. The roots are generally chewed and eaten. The leaves cure infection and roots helps bellyache. Usually grows in the cracks of rocks.

Cobweb is well, cobwebs. You wrap them around an injury to stop the bleeding.

Coltsfoot is a flowering plant that looks like a dandelion with yellow or white flowers. It is chewed into a pulp and eaten. It helps shortness of breath. Grows best in newleaf and by water.

Catchweed is a plant with fuzzy green balls on long stems. It is common in hedges and other low, shrubby vegetation. The buds are put on the pelt where poultices are. Stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin.

Celandine is yellow flowers with four petals. Usually found in Twoleg gardens. Eaten to strengthen the heart or soothe damaged eyes. Can also be used for traveling cats.

Chickweed has tall stems with fat, almond-shaped leaves. Usually grows in the cracks of rocks. Treats greencough though catnip works better.

Comfrey is large leaves and small bell-shaped flowers, which can be pink, white, or purple. The roots are chewed into poultice which soothes wounds or mends broken bones. Grows in damp, grassy places

Deathberries are small red berries. If eaten they will kill a cat *DON'T USE*

Dock is similar to sorrel. The leaves are chewed up and applied. It soothes scratches. Grows in leafy areas like a deep forest by bushes. Has a tangy smell and taste.

Dried Oakleaf is collected in Autumn. It is brown with five points and applied to wounds to stop infections.

Daisy leaves are thick, dark green, oval-shaped leaves. Grows almost everywhere. Chewed into a paste to ease aching joints, is also used for traveling herbs.

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