Setting Up A Camp

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To make a camp, there are many different things it must have. I will go through everything you need to make a realistic Clan camp (meaning what the original series' have). If I forgot something, please let me know! If you have any questions, ask and I will try to answer to the best of my ability! These are my own beliefs of what a camp should have and look like.

Leader's Den

Usually a smaller-sized den, this where the leader of the Clan sleeps. It should have room for a nest in the back and one or two cats to join their leader to speak privately.

Warriors' Den

This should be the largest of the dens, where all the warriors sleep during the night. Senior warriors (cats who have been warriors for a very long time) sleep closer to the middle where it is warmer, and the newer the warrior sleep farther from the middle near the edge of the den. The den is usually in the middle back of the camp where they can see the camp entrance.

Medicine Cat(s) Den

This is where the medicine cat sleeps, stores their herbs, and heals their Clanmates. It should be large enough to hold many cats that may be sick or injured. Sick cats should have a special place farther from the others where it is less likely they will infect their Clanmates, which could be in another part of the clearing outside the den. There should also be a place where the herbs are stored and the medicine cat(s) sleep.

Apprentices' Den

This is where the apprentices, cats who are in between six and twelve moons, will sleep. It should be big enough for the apprentices to be comfortable but is also one of the smaller dens.

Elders' Den

A smaller den where the elder cats of the Clan may rest without being disrupted. It should let in fresh air but be away from intense cold and very comfortable.


One of the most protective dens, the nursery should be a safe and secure place for nursing queens and their kits. It should be warm with one opening to make it easier to keep an eye on kits, and many nests for any needing queens and kits.

Fresh-kill pile

This is where the prey brought back from hunters is placed before being eaten, somewhere the Clan can all see it but perhaps not too open to the elements in case it rains and ruins the prey.


The dirt-place is more simply the bathroom for the Clan members, where dirt (poop) should be buried underground. It should be close to camp, a part of it, but also far enough away from dens the smell isn't overwhelming

Eating/resting Areas

In the original books, the apprentices ate and played by a tree stump and the warriors on the far side of the clearing. This would be the same thing, a place where apprentices hang out and eat, then a different place for younger warriors, another place for senior warriors/leader, and maybe another for queens and kits

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