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Probably more than these, so tell me if I missed any!

Sparrow- small, rounded light brown bird

Wren- small, rounded bird

Finch- A common type of songbird. Have strong stubby beaks and are pretty colorful. Often caught by ThunderClan.

Thrush- Songbird, soft-plumaged, small to medium-sized birds.

Squirrel- Rodents with fluffy tails and small paws, Majorly are gray, though black, albino and red ones exist.

Vole- Have very small, stout bodies, a short hairy tail, a slightly round head and small ears and eyes.

Mouse- Small brown or light gray rodents with long, naked tails, whiskers, large ears, and prominent dark eyes.

Wood mouse- Look like normal mice but have longer, larger ears and a long, narrow snout.

Rats- rodents with sharp teeth, pointy noses, long hairless tails, brown, gray, black or white fur

Rats are rodents, which are small animals with sharp front teeth that gnaw. Rats have pointy noses, long, hairless tails and brown, gray, black or white fur, and they're known to chew through things like concrete cinder blocks and metal sheets. 

Snakes- usually mean smaller, non-poisonous snakes

Frogs- smaller frogs

Lizards- small reptiles with long tails, would usually found near rocky places

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