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I was running as fast as I could to some place where I would be alone. I was with my friends a few moments ago, but I had forgotten it was a full moon and I had started to change.
Bumping into that woman caused me to panic, because I was still on the street while changing into the monster that I am. My face grew out into a snout and I was closer to turning into my wolf form. I turn sharply into an alley and almost run into a trash can. I yelp loudly in surprise and try to cover my mouth in time so that I don't wake anyone up.
Now, I felt my body reforming. My knees bent backwards, sending a sharp pain through my legs. My hands shrink and shift into paws, my toenails growing out and scratching against the pavement. My tailbone grows out into a large tail, whipping around like a huge tree branch of fur and muscle. When the transformation is over, I cry in pain, unable to control myself anymore. All I had to do now was sit and wait for the full moon to be over. Then I could change back and get home.
And prepare for the next full moon.

⚪︎ ◦ ☀︎ ☁︎☽ ◦ ⚪︎
Yes I know, this was a SUPER short chapter, but be prepared for another chapter tomorrow lol. Please don't hate me!

𝖁𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊Where stories live. Discover now