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Also I know the song isn't BTS sorry, but I wanted something more upbeat for now and this one is more... idk I just feel like it fits the chapter better lol.

~Y/N~I open my eyes to light seeping out of the window and onto the carpet rugs of our hotel room

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I open my eyes to light seeping out of the window and onto the carpet rugs of our hotel room. I move to get my phone, but there was a giant arm holding me back. I look at the suitor who's holding my waist for ransom and feel a smile slowly creep onto my lips.
He looked peaceful in his sleep, almost like nothing had happened in the past 48 hours.
Slowly, I moved his arm from my waist, his arm feeling almost as heavy as a boulder. Damnit, Taehyung, why you gotta be so muscular?
Once I get his arm off of me, I get up and grab my phone. The time said 8 in the morning, which means that breakfast downstairs is almost over.
"Taehyung!!" I yell as I walk over and shake him. He groans and grabs my wrist to stop me.
"What??" His eyes open and look at me, still groggy from sleep.
"If you want breakfast downstairs, then we need to go now. It closes in 15 minutes." I say, getting dressed in my cheap clothing and going out the door. I knock on Namjoon's door, but there was no answer.
Taehyung came out a few minutes later and looked at me. "Did you knock?"
"Yeah I did, but he never came out. Maybe he already went to breakfast?" I gave him a worried look.
He thought about it for a second. "Maybe, but either way I'll text him." He got his phone out of his pocket and started typing as we walked down the hall to the elevators. I pressed the button and immediately the door opens, like no one is using it. There wasn't anyone in the hallway either, it was deserted.
"That's strange. Isn't there supposed to be breakfast?" I ask, but Taehyung doesn't answer. We both walk in and the doors shut behind us.
"That's really weird..."  Taehyung says slowly.
The elevator dings and the doors open. No one was on the other side. We walked out cautiously as I lead the way to the breakfast hall.
It was silent. There was people, but they only sat there with abnormally straight posture, staring into nothingness. They didn't even move. There was no food for us and no Namjoon.
"We need to get the hell out of here. I have a feeling that Namjoon isn't in his hotel room." Taehyung said slowly. We turned around, going quickly up the stairs. We went back to our hotel room, packing up everything and leaving. Taehyung took my hand as we walked back downstairs, the hotel room key in his hand. When we get to the bottom, we walk hurriedly to the door as Taehyung leaves the key on the front desk. There was no one there either.
As we get out, there are a few stray cars that drive in the streets. Other than that, the streets are empty.
"We need to get to the graveyard, now." Taehyung says sternly. We start walking in the direction of the park since there were no cabs to pick us up.
I can't help but look at the ground as we walk, the sidewalk crunching under my feet. I look up and we're suddenly at the entrance. I hear Taehyung take a deep breath as we walk in. Taehyung's head tilts up as he sniffs the air.
"Over there." He dragged me to the right. We walk for a while until he suddenly stops.
"There." He pointed at the pile of dirt that was in an area of construction. We walk over, and Taehyung searches the area, smelling everything to be thorough.
"I have the scent of someone. Now we just have to follow it." He said as he walked back to the entrance. I follow him quickly as he moves down the sidewalk, sniffing the air.
I stared as we approached the apartment building that used to be my home. It was still standing, but must've been abandoned now that the entire building is charred and peeling.
Taehyung stops in front of the apartments, then he snorts. "They didn't even try to be subtle. They're here, of all places." He sighed, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the alleyway next to it.
"Do you know any other ways in and out of this place?" Taehyung asks me, his voice low as he looks at me with dark eyes. He almost startles me with how serious he is.
"There's a door in the back that no one ever uses. There's also an emergency exit right there." I say, pointing to the door on the side of the building.
"Perfect. We'll go around back." He says as he takes me to the back of the building. The doors are shut, but when Taehyung pulls at the door a loud tearing sound rings through the air and then he pulls the door shut behind us to keep the noise at a minimum. "We need to leave, now, otherwise they'll find us." He whispers as he pulls me down the hall and into a room labeled "Supply Closet."
Heavy footsteps started down the hall. I open my mouth to whisper to Taehyung but I feel a warm hand cover it.
They came closer, so close that I thought we were done for. Then they got quieter. They were gone.
I heard a huff of breath from him as he breathed in and out quickly. I let my breath go after I realize I was holding it.
"We need to find out what they're doing in this place." Taehyung said quietly and opened the door, letting in the light. He walked down the hall quickly and I struggled to follow his larger paces.
"Where would be the best place for that?" He said softly and turned and looked at me.
"The laundry room is the biggest room in this place. It's on this floor, actually." I say quietly. His eyes light up and his square smile shows up despite the dire situation we're in.
"You're a genius, Y/N." He said, "Show me the way." He steps aside as I walk in front of him, leading him to the laundry room.
I barely had to think about it even though it had been so long since I was last in this building. After living here so long and always having to wash bloody clothes, the way to the laundry room felt almost natural.
I turn right into a large room, almost the ten times the size of my tiny apartment complex. It was dark, but once Taehyung turns on the light, it flows over thousands upon thousands of people, sitting with the same straight posture as we saw in the hotel. I can't even begin to comprehend how so many people can fit into this room. The lights go out and I'm torn away from the sight. Taehyung drags me down the hall and out of the back door.
"We have to tell the council right now, before they use all of those people against us."

⚪︎ ◦ ☀︎ ☁︎☽ ◦ ⚪︎
Well, that was an intense chapter for the most part. Hopefully you liked it lol. If you did be sure to comment your thoughts and vote for the chapter! I appreciate it :)

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