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~Y/N~I stared at Estella's head on the ground, the pool of blood that surrounded it growing as the stench reached my nose

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I stared at Estella's head on the ground, the pool of blood that surrounded it growing as the stench reached my nose. The air around me immediately started to reek of salt and something sweet as the people around us were in a vigorous brawl.  I felt my fangs start to poke on my lip at the aroma.
"Come on, we need to try to get into the base." Taehyung said, dragging me away from Estella and through the awakened battleground. There were sparks and blood everywhere, even tuffs of fur. I looked to my right and saw a woman tear out a fairy's heart, her eyes bright white but otherwise visibly metulope. She looked like she had just came from work, dressed in business clothes.
"Don't look. The metulopes are hypnotized and have incredible strength." Taehyung murmured in my ear through the noise. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my arm and turn to see Hoseok twisting it. His eyes were bright white.
"Hoseok!! NO!" Taehyung pounced at him, his body transforming swiftly. I heard a million hollow breaks throughout his body as a wolf appeared where he used to be. I watched in horror as the wolf attacked Hoseok, biting off his arm. The man staggered back, falling to the ground and the wolf whimpered, towering over the man. The white eyed male grabbed the wolf's throat with one hand just as my hair was pulled.
Tearing my eyes from their fight, I turn away and see a familiar face. She looked innocent and sisterly, other than her snow white eyes.
Ji-jung, my own sister.
She grinned maliciously as her hands wrapped around my throat, cutting off my airways.
"You killed mom, you little bitch. You're responsible for everything. All of this." She sneered, tightening her grip. My vision started to slip, the woman in front of me dividing into two.
My hand reached for the knife tied to my thigh, quickly slipping it out and I knew I didn't have much time left. My hand shook frantically as my hand shot up between her arms and punctured the center of her chest.
She gasped, her grip loosening on my neck and I fell to the ground. My joints screamed to keep moving, but I was frozen as my sister held her chest, tearing out the knife and screaming in pain. I breathed in as much air as I could, a burning sensation shooting up my throat and my vision cleared only for me to see that she was crumpled against the ground, her eyes wide and a bright brown, her mouth hanging open like she's still screaming.
I didn't cry or scream. I didn't feel anything.
I jump as a hand presses against my shoulder.
"Y/N..." I feel warmth as Taehyung's arms wrap around me.
"What did you do to Hoseok?" My voice came out broken.
"I put him out cold, he's only missing an arm but fairies have healing properties, so he should be okay." He responds, his tone grave as he pulls me up. "We need to leave, now. There will probably be a cure for whatever this hypnosis is." He motioned around and then I followed him as we raced through to the entrance. When we reached it, Namjoon stood in our way. White eyed.
When he took a step, a burst of purple sparks enveloped his feet. He suddenly was tugged in the air, screaming on his way back to the ground. He stopped inches from the ground, his face spared.
"Go!" I looked to the left and saw Yoongi, his eyes a glowing purple. A ring of sparks surrounded him as his arms outstretched in Namjoon's direction. "I've got him!"
Taehyung tugs me out of the entrance, across the street to the Persona Non Grata's base. It looked even more intimidating than usual, charred all black with broken windows and bent or melted metal.
He pulled me by my wrist, going through the back door. The door was already propped open, inviting us to our deaths.
When we got inside, the door shut behind us, creaking loudly. We turned around to see a light haired man with elf ears and white eyes staring back at us.
"Seokjin..." Taehyung said under his breath and immediately turned away, dragging me quickly down the hallway. He opened a random door frantically as the white eyed man slowly followed us, grinning ear to ear. The door opened to a flight of stairs. I was dragged up the stairs as Taehyung breathed heavily, his hands shaking.
"We need to find that cure, now. Not all of them left the base." Taehyung opened the door and then scrambled down the hallway, going into a random room. He pushed me away. "We have to split up. If you get into trouble... scream." His eyes were wide and I stumbled, quickly moving down the hall to the next room, scrambling on the floor for something, anything.
I hear footsteps echoing on the steps, getting louder. A panic raises from my chest to my throat and my hands blur as adrenaline kicks in. There's nothing in this room.
I move to the next one, catching a glance at Taehyung as he moves to the room across the hall. I search the room swiftly, there was still nothing.
I get up to go to the next room when I hear a yell from across the hall accompanied by a whimper. My body moved on its own terms as I get up and immediately dash across the hall to the room where Taehyung was. When I arrive, white-eyed Seokjin is looming over the younger man, grabbing his neck and squeezing until his knuckles were as white as his eyes.
I feel anger raise in my chest and feel for the knife at my thigh, only to realize that it was missing. I had used it on my sister.
A whimper from Taehyung came again, then a choking sound. His face was a deep red, the veins on his neck thick and bruise purple. I scrambled around the room, looking for the unknown. I came across a loose floorboard when I hear a final choked out whimper and Taehyung goes limp. I don't have much time.
I tear up the floorboards and find vials among vials of blood, enough for an army.
I picked up each and every one into an armful, then force them to the ground, breaking them all in unison. Shattered glass and blood exploded around the room, digging themselves into my skin. My breathing was heavy in my ears as Seokjin let go of Taehyung's neck and looked around the room with wide brown eyes. My vision slowly started to shut down as my knees buckled and the man raced over to catch me. Warmth surrounded me as I plunged into darkness.

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