{ᴛᴀᴇʜʏᴜɴɢ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ}
"You know what? I'm more than angry. I'm furious. You throw away my feelings like they're nothing. Like I'm nothing. And then you go and make out with my best friend."
She stayed silent for a while.
"Forget it. You don't have fee...
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(A/N: this episode will be really emotional I'm sorry in advance. Also, this gif made me cry just looking at it I'm SO SORRY) ~Y/N~ Seokjin and Hoseok are missing. My heart was pierced with a million knives, knowing two of the people of the family I had left were in danger. When I looked around the room, I could tell that the rest of them were also in shock. Yoongi was staring at the floor, Namjoon was biting his lip, Jimin was running his hands through his hair over and over, Taehyung's hand fidgeted tirelessly, Jungkook's leg shook. There was complete silence for what felt like an entire century. "We're going to find them." Namjoon's voice rang with rage. He got up but Yoongi grabbed his arm. "Namjoon, we have to think rationally right now. We don't even know where they could've gone-" "Does it look like I care? No! We're going to find them, now." He hissed the last word with so much venom that it made the rest of us jump. "No, we aren't. You aren't in your right mind!" Yoongi got up as Namjoon stormed away. The sight was so bizarre. Namjoon never lost his temper, never rose his voice. He was calm and collected, but never reckless. Taehyung glances at Jungkook, then at me. I felt a wave of calm as his eyes softened, but then his gaze goes cold and he gets up to follow Namjoon. Jungkook's eyes follows him as he leaves like a guilty puppy. He then glances at me, licking his lips and quickly looks away at the blank TV. I get up, going down the hallway to Namjoon's room when I hear loud voices. Taehyung looks at me in the hallway, standing outside of the room and I stand next to him, watching from the outside. "Namjoon, this isn't you!" Yoongi exclaims, "I know our brothers are missing, but the council will find them." "We put so much damn faith into our council, but nothing ever gets done, does it?!" Namjoon's voice cracks as he grabs a bag, putting the little amount of his possessions in it. Yoongi's mouth opens, but no words come out. "Exactly. Yoongi, I can't put faith into a government that doesn't do anything for us. To a government that just uses us to do their dirty work, to fight for them, and to lie for them. I will not tell everyone that everything will be okay and that the council will take care of us when they never freaking do!" His voice was thick with anger as he raised it. "I am not you, Yoongi. I do not want to pretend that the government is protecting us, that it isn't falling apart." "If you're going to leave, just do so without yelling at me. It's your funeral." Namjoon looked at him, "You don't mean that." "No, I don't. I want you to come home with Seokjin and Hoseok just like any of us do, but you're in this fantasy that you can just do what you can and everything will be good in the end. You can die out there. It's like you don't care about the safety of the rest of us when we follow you." Yoongi's voice was like a beach right before a tsunami. Worry and anxiety hidden behind an illusion of safety and calm. "I will not follow you this time." "Fine." Namjoon moved past him and glanced at me and Taehyung before moving to the living room, "If you won't come, then you will stay here and worry about Seokjin and Hoseok without getting answers from your beloved government." He stopped in the living room. "Who will join me?" Taehyung looked at me, then walked to the living room, "I'll come." Jungkook looked at them, his eyes widening. Yoongi followed to the living room and looked at Taehyung, his eyes masked in hurt. Jimin sat completely still on the couch, his hands clenched into nervous fists, "I'm staying..." he says quietly. Jungkook nods in agreement. They all turn to me. Namjoon looked at me pleadingly. I knew that if I went with them, then I would get to help save Seokjin and Hoseok. But there was a chance that we could die. If I stayed home, I wouldn't be able to help if they get attacked. They would die. "I'm coming." Taehyung looked at me surprised, then grabbed my hand and pulled me back down the hallway. "Get your stuff together, anything that would be useful." He pushed me lightly to my room, then disappearing into his. My room was plain, since I had nothing much left after my house burnt down, after the Boys' house was attacked, and after the council was invaded. Wow. I ended up grabbing some extra clothes in the drawer and a knife I found in the closet. Taehyung came into the room with a black bag, "here." He held it out for me and I slipped my clothes into the bag. The knife was for me. He let out a sigh and then closed the bag, throwing it over his shoulder. I followed him down the hallway to the living room. It was dead silent. Jimin stumbled as he got up slowly, hugging Namjoon and Taehyung. "Be safe. Please." He huffed, then pulled away wiping his eyes. He moved to me and hugged me tightly. I felt his mouth lean to my ear. "Take good care of them. Especially Taehyung, he cares about you a lot." He leaned away and smiled, his eyes watering. "You take good care of them too, Jimin." My vision started to blur as I wiped my eyes along with him. I could hear him chuckle a lightly and he sighed. Yoongi got up slowly and nodded to Namjoon. "We will meet again." He sounded uneasy. "We will meet again, Yoongi."