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~Taehyung~ I was in the living room when Jungkook comes home

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I was in the living room when Jungkook comes home. He has a bright smile on his face.
"Huh? Why are you so happy?" I hear Jin say from the kitchen and Jungkook shrugs.
"I may or may not have given Y/N my number...?" He smirked and I look at him in disbelief. He's been scared of girls since he debuted.
"What??" I reply, but he just keeps smirking at me.
"What? You haven't made a move on her yet Tae, but I have."
"What do you mean?" I ask and he sits next to me on the couch.
"I kissed her cheek." He says, his smirk growing. I feel my heart drop into my stomach. He already made a move on her??
"I don't believe you."
"You don't have to." He shrugged, "But when I date her you'll believe it."
That brat.
I suddenly get angry and I feel my nails start to grow into claws.
"Whoa there Taehyung, I was just kidding..." Jungkook said and I realized what I was doing. Why am I getting so angry?
"Sorry..." I say and Jungkook gets up. "I'm going to bed now, good night everyone!" He says. Then I go to the kitchen and watch Jin, who was cooking for tomorrow morning so we could just heat it up and eat it, since we are leaving early for a fan sign.
"Hi Jin," I greet him and he smiles, "Hello. So I overheard Jungkook kissed Y/N on the cheek. How do you feel?" He smirked.
"Well... I don't know... why do you ask?"
"You like her don't you?" Jin asks. My mouth opens, only for nothing to come out. I struggled to find something to say.
"Well, I don't know yet..."
"Well have you asked her on a date?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, I'm going on one with her tomorrow..."
"Well then you're one step ahead of Jungkook." He smiled at me.
"I guess..." I look down at the floor.
"Trust me, if you are always one step ahead of him, you'll get her. But you have to show her you care, okay?"
I nod, "Okay... thank you Jin..."
He hums in response and I go back to my room to get ready for bed. I look at myself in the bathroom mirror as I brush my teeth and wonder whether Y/N is interested or is just going on the date for the food.
You shouldn't dwell TaeTae... you need to go to sleep.
I finish brushing my teeth and then get into bed, turning out the light.

⚪︎ ◦ ☀︎ ☁︎☽ ◦ ⚪︎

𝖁𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊Where stories live. Discover now