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~ Y/N ~ After finishing breakfast, I explored around the building

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~ Y/N ~
After finishing breakfast, I explored around the building. It felt like a maze as I was trying to find my way around. There were so many hallways and staircases that I could count 3 just in my line of sight at one point. The building seemed to have been a mansion from long ago and was revamped over the years. The design of the house even included bells that rang when a bell rang from another room, like Georgian times.
My mind wandered over the entire situation as my body wandered the mansion. It was difficult to understand what was really going on. It was difficult to understand why these things were happening. It was difficult to understand anything.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, light and delicate. I turned my head to look up at the boy behind me. His eyes were dark embers compared to his white face, almost bruised with sleep deprivation.
"Oh, hey Yoongi," I said quietly. The corner of his lip perked up slightly.
"Hey Y/N. Want to walk with me?" He asked softly, his voice visibly exhausted. I nodded and started walking, pacing my steps with his.
"I'm sure this is all so sudden and so much for you. I know it's not really my place, but if you need someone to talk to, you can always talk to me. I know what it's like to lose people you love..." He quieted down, suggesting there was pages upon pages in his book that he hadn't dared, nor wanted to share yet.
"I'm sorry, Yoongi. I had no idea you lost someone too..."
"It's alright, really, Y/N. I learned to accept the grief a long time ago." The corners of his mouth quivered slightly.
"I... don't want to bring up anything to hurt you, but... would you want to tell me who?" My words felt empty compared to the hurt I felt in my chest.
"It was a close friend of mine. He was like my closest brother, someone that I could pour my heart and soul out onto. He would laugh with me, tell me everything would be okay. I would believe it." His voice got quiet. "He died early. But he was also one of the reasons that I joined the Boys. I knew that I needed them and they needed me in return." He smiled bright enough to break a thousand hearts.
I looked up at him and could feel the grief, as if we had this connection that couldn't ever be cut. I could feel his despair, his loneliness, his dedication, his pride. I could even hear the love in his veins, pumping throughout his entire body. He would do anything for those he loved. Even if it was in exchange for his life.
"What's wrong?" He furrowed his eyebrows and I felt my cheeks flush with warmth when I realize our gazes had locked.
"Sorry... it's just-"
Yoongi looked away when the sound of glass breaking echoed through the house. He was gone as soon as I was able to turn my head. I rushed down a million steps, my feet tearing at the carpet as I ran.
Hell had unleashed itself. I felt my skin split on my arm as someone grabbed me and forced back a scream while I'm pulled away from the chaos of blood and sparks at the front door. I squinted and saw a pair of white eyes. My muscles had a mind of their own, pulling, scratching, and squirming my way out.
"Y/N! Calm down! It's me!" Taehyung whispered and my feet were swept out from under me. "You're going to be fine. Trust me."
The halls fly by in a blur then suddenly stop. He sets me on my feet and I'm led into darkness.
"What the hell is going on Tae?!" My cheeks felt wet but I couldn't think of anything else. The pale white eyes.
"The... they attacked us. All council members were sworn to secrecy, but apparently our whereabouts were leaked out to the, um, Persona Non Grata. It could be worse, however. We're in the safest place we could possibly be." His calloused hand was warm on mine.
My stomach twirled and bile rose in my throat. How could this be any worse?
"Seriously? The council building is getting ambushed right now and we're in the safest place? Don't lie to me."
"No- Y/N we really are safe-" He stopped at the sound of stomping down the hallway. Fear rose to claim my lungs, my breath quickening despite there being no need for it in my body.
A low whistle came closer and closer as doors were opened and closed down the hall. Taehyung's grip held tight on my hand, giving me a little strength in the darkness.
My fear took over, my stomach balling up and dropping as the footsteps stopped in front of the door. The knob turned, the door cracked and revealed a woman with white eyes. Fur blocked my vision as a growling beast blocked the Bloodglade from getting to me. The woman snarled, crouching to spring. As soon as she jumped at Taehyung, she was pulled into the arms of a shadow, her neck pulled back to reveal the marble skin. Blood dripped from her neck as she limped to the floor. I was greeted by a red smile as Jungkook stood in the doorway with muscly pride. "I did your job for you."
"Whatever, we need to leave." Taehyung transformed back to his human form and wrapped his arms around me again, my feet leaving the floor.
Jungkook nodded, "They're everywhere, we had to back down. We're meeting the others at the backup." Taehyung nodded like he knew what Jungkook was talking about, but I had completely forgotten to ask when another Bloodglade turned our way and was rushing our way.
Taehyung ran in front of Jungkook, going down many hallways and steps. Everything blurred past me but I could make out a few bodies lying on the floor, pools of red drowning them. Humid air filled my lungs and clung to my skin as he carried me out the basement door. A new light enveloped us as he ran at the speed of sound. My vision started slipping as my eyes closed into deep black.

⚪︎ ◦ ☀︎ ☁︎☽ ◦ ⚪︎
Oh my goodness, it's been wayyyy too long. I have a lot of time on my hands since my school is out for two weeks (coronavirus oops) and I was like hey, I can update since I'm bored! I also like completely forgot about this book until this morning since I watched BTS videos lol. But anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe!!
— bangtanbeanz

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