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It felt like months since I had seen Y/N. Maybe even years. I didn't know what to do with myself. Jungkook and I have been fighting for a few days and it felt like my own soul was ripping itself out of my chest. I couldn't talk to the people that mattered to me the most. It didn't even feel right, sitting here on this torn-up couch when the girl of my dreams could be hurt because of me.
I don't even know what I'll say when she wakes up. Do I tell her everything that happened while she was out? Do I hug her and tell her I'm glad she's awake? Do I.. do I kiss her?
I hear steps approaching the living room and find Namjoon with his brows furrowed, his eyes focused on the floor, almost calculating.
"Hyung? What's wrong? ...Is it Y/N?" I tried to keep my voice steady when the rush of possibilities ran through my head.
"Actually, yes it is. She's awake, but really upset that Seokjin and Hoseok are out on the search." He sighed.
"She's awake?? Can I go see her?" My heart felt a pang and my body started moving to get up.
"Oh, well she told me that she was going to take a shower," he shrugged. "But I'm sure you can talk to her when she gets out."
The corners of my mouth frowned as I sat back.
"Wait, I thought Jungkook was in the shower." Yoongi chimed in from the kitchen.
"Yeah, he was. I was going in after him." Jimin came in from down the hall. "Why?"
"I'll go look." I got up from the couch and went to the bathroom. The door was closed shut, so I raised my hand to the door. My knuckles rang against the door and I heard voices inside as I turned the knob and opened the door.
"Jesus, ever heard of privacy— oh... hey Taehyung." Jungkook, fully clothed, and Y/N were standing there, two feet from each other. Y/N was still in her clothes from the past few days, but her shorts were torn, revealing her bare thigh.
"What the hell...?" I blurt under my breath and Y/N speaks up, her face bright red. "I was going to use the shower, but Jungkook was already in here." As I watched her speak, my eyes stared at her mouth. Her lips were bright red and swollen.
So were Jungkook's.
Rage rumbled throughout my veins as I stared at Jungkook. "No, clearly that's not what happened. I think that you've just been making out with lil old Kookie here." My vision blurred as they fell over Y/N. "Maybe you just missed him soooo much over the past few days, huh?" Before my voice could raise any more than it already did, I left the door open as I moved swiftly back to my room. I didn't hear anyone following me, so I turned to close the door behind me.
"Taehyung." There she was. In her torn clothes, messy hair, and those beautiful eyes that I remember so vividly. I waited for her to speak.
"Taehyung... Say something. I know you're angry."
The rage came back. "You know what? I'm more than angry. I'm furious. You throw away my feelings like they're nothing. Like I'm nothing. And then you go and make out with my best friend."
She stayed silent for a while.
"Forget it. You don't have feelings for me. Forget it."
"Taehyung, I do have feelings for you, it's just-"
"No, you don't. If you did, then you wouldn't treat me like a paper bag, or like I'm just at your disposal." I was starting to lose my grip, my legs felt like jello and I could barely see her anymore.
"Taehyung, you aren't just at my disposal. I really do-"
"Taehyung." Her voice was stern and I stopped suddenly. "You don't see what I see. I see this amazing, charming, and handsome man in front of me. I smile when thinking about you. I want to do everything in my power to make you happy, but it's just that I'm still figuring out my feelings for Jungkook too." She sighed.
I paused and processed all of her words. Her words felt like rich velvet throughout my body, but my mind was racing.
She still has to choose. She still doesn't have enough feelings for you to pick you. You're still not enough.
"Until you're able to choose, I won't believe you." My vision was clear now, so I took a step around her. I heard her sigh as I continue to walk down the hallway.
⚪︎ ◦ ☀︎ ☁︎☽ ◦ ⚪︎
The living room was deafeningly silent. After the bathroom incident, Y/N had stayed quiet on the couch. Jungkook sat on the opposite side of the couch, probably to keep me from attacking him.
Namjoon cleared his throat to break the silence. "How about we watch some TV?" He said hesitantly.
Yoongi waved and the remote flew to him. He turned on the TV and flipped through channels until he stopped in a new channel. "This is the United Peace channel, believe it or not." He chuckled, glancing at Y/N. She stayed silent, looking at her feet. His smile disappeared, but he never asked.
"Breaking: The council is now speaking publicly." The reporter, a woman with pointed ears, said. The TV then switched to a livestream of what must've been the council standing in a line. The speaker was in the front, a man with a claw for a right hand.
"That is the spokesman for the council. He's a warlock." Yoongi explained.
"As you all know, the Persona Non Grata attacked the council building. We were unable to protect it, even with all of the men we had, and they have now invaded our refuge. We have now set up a building for those who need safe refuge, and that information will be revealed offline through a hologram. Our search team, however, has found a graveyard. This graveyard is full of Persona Non Grata victims. We will make sure these victims have proper ceremony."
The whole room looked toward Y/N. Another member of the council stepped up to the front, a woman with bright lavender wings sprouting from her back.
"The search team had found this yesterday. However, the organizer of the search team and its members, could not be found this morning. Any information of their whereabouts needs to be reported to the council immediately."
I felt my stomach drop. Seokjin and Hoseok are missing.

⚪︎ ◦ ☀︎ ☁︎☽ ◦ ⚪︎
Oh crap, welp? Sorry lol this chapter was sucky, but I hope the writing didn't suck. Also, happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! I hope everyone is happy and healthy!
Be sure to comment and vote if you enjoyed this chapter! Ok I'm done now lol

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