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~ Y/N ~ I was sitting in the living room of a boy band that was famous among the magic world and among metulopes

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~ Y/N ~
I was sitting in the living room of a boy band that was famous among the magic world and among metulopes. It was almost overwhelming how much power I could feel from all of the members now.
"We need to come up with a plan to protect ourselves." Seokjin said as he had sat on the floor laying out a piece of paper and grabbing a pencil. "That includes you, Y/N." He looked at me and my cheeks burnt up. There was an atmosphere of gratitude and protectiveness from him as he looked at me and I couldn't help but trust him.
"We first need to figure out when they will be coming to try to kill us." Namjoon sat next to Seokjin, his eyebrows furrowed in thought.
"We also need to be prepared if they come any sooner than expected." Yoongi chimed in. The rest of us nodded along. Even if Yoongi was older than Namjoon, it was like Namjoon was older than all of them. He had leadership in his heart and guided the rest of them to success.
"But they have the power of mind reading and can see with their minds, what if they can predict all of our moves?" Jimin asked.
"Then we fight with all we have. We have allies that can help us too. I'm sure the chancellors will help us as well." Namjoon said matter-of-factly. Jimin nodded, not seeming fully convinced.
"Chancellors?" I asked. A huge sigh went around the room.
"There are eight representatives called Chancellors and they form what's called the Council: one for each of the main races and then one for the other, smaller and less important races, such as pixies and giants," Yoongi explained. "Then there 8 individual cabinets. Each race individually elects representatives from the same race to make decisions for them. For example, there is a separate cabinet for warlocks and only warlocks can elect a representative warlock into that cabinet.
"Finally, there are local government positions for each race that only deal with local problems in the community. Overall, our government is called United Peace, or UP, since we all believe in the peace that we have created through this alliance." He finished, making me even more confused.
He looked around the room and realized that everyone had blank stares, as if they were processing what he just said.
"Alright, I'll just show you." He grumbled, grabbing the paper from Seokjin, who squawked in protest. Yoongi ignored him as he started to draw lines connecting words in a chain. "This is what it looks like." He said, showing everyone the paper that he just drew on.

When he showed everyone the chart, we all stared in awe and realization

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When he showed everyone the chart, we all stared in awe and realization. He rolled his eyes as his lips turned down into a frown.
"Y/N is the only exception since she didn't know that the government even existed! What have the rest of you been doing with your lives?" He looked wildly at the other members, "We are part of the main peace movement and none of you even know anything about our government? Wow. And you've all been living with it your whole lives, even you, pure-blood vampy!" He pointed at Jungkook, clearly annoyed.
"I knew about the government!" Namjoon exclaimed, but Yoongi ignored him and sighed in disappointment, setting the paper in my lap.
Startled, I took the paper, feeling slightly scared of Yoongi's annoyed side.
"Study it, clearly my companions know nothing," he said to me bitterly, but there was a glint in his eyes that told me he wasn't all that annoyed.
The room turned silent until Yoongi magically produced another piece of paper, giving it to Seokjin, "Here, Jin, come up with a plan to keep us safe." Seokjin looked grateful to Yoongi, while Namjoon was looking thoughtful next to him.
"What we could do," Namjoon started, "Is ask the Antiqua Custos to borrow the Necklace of Deterrent." He paused and looked at me, "The Antiqua Custos is the name of our artifact protector. She protects all of the ancient artifacts in our history. The Necklace of Deterrent is a necklace that uses ancient magic to steer the mind away from what it is seeking, in this case it would deter the minds of the Persona Non Grata from looking into ours." Namjoon explained and the rest of the members nodded slowly, taking in the strategy.
"But there is only one necklace," Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed in concern. "How will all of us be protected if there's many people of the Persona Non Grata?"
"Yoongi is the strongest of us, since he is a warlock. Warlocks are stronger than a hundred men," Namjoon said. "This means that Yoongi should be our weapon. He will wear the necklace, while the rest of us defend ourselves until Yoongi is able to use his magic to destroy all of them."
There was a silence that passed over the room. Everyone was considering the plan and then all heads turned to Yoongi to seek his approval.
"I'm fine with being the weapon," Yoongi shrugged.
The tension cleared from the room and several sighs in relief were heard.
Seokjin smiled softly and glanced to everyone, "Now that we have a plan, we have to move fast before they attack while we are unprepared. So..." He trailed off.
"Who wants to go ask for the necklace?" Namjoon finished his sentence. When no one volunteered, he laughed. "Jimin, thanks for volunteering!"
A whine came from the younger member and our laughter rang through the room. The atmosphere felt lighter, despite the potential danger that all of us were in. Everyone had calmed down and I glanced at the clock. It was almost 9 in the morning.
"Oh crap." I said softly and stood up.
Taehyung looked over at me, concern in his eyes, "What's wrong?"
"I have to go." I said and he nodded firmly, his jaw set.
"Be careful," He said.
I nodded and walked out the door, saying bye to everyone as I left.
It was bright outside, so I squinted my eyes at the light. Once my eyes adjusted, I opened them again. It was beautiful outside, a typical midsummer's day. It felt almost like there was no danger in the world in that moment.
I walked home quickly, the streets semi-busy. It was a short walk to my apartment building and when I arrived the woman that usually sat near the front door was gone. A shiver went over me as I remember the man with the white eyes. My kidnapper.
I quickly walked inside, feeling like I was being watched all of a sudden. Instead of taking the elevator, I took the stairs, running like my life depended on it. It might as well have.
Once I got to my floor, I rushed through the door, down the hallway and to my room. Quickly, I got my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door, walking in when I see that someone else had been here.
Everything was moved around, like someone had searched the place. Books thrown off of the shelves, furniture turned over or moved out of place, even the refrigerator was raided, the blood packets spread on the counter and spilled down the side, making the floor stained and sticky. But the blood wasn't just from the bags.
I stared in horror as I see a body laying in the puddles of blood in the kitchen. It was clearly a woman, her long hair soaked dark red. She was laying face down. I walked over and slowly turned the body over to see her face. It was a face that could only be recognized by my family.
It was my mother.
Her face was covered in blood, but the features were distinct. It was the face of the woman that had given birth to me.
She had a large wound right where her heart should have been, and the organ was gone. Someone had dug her heart out of her body.
I felt something come up the back of my throat. The sour taste of bile was strong as I ran to a trash can, letting out dry heaves.
When I was finished, I walked back over to the kitchen. I had no idea what to do, and looked around for a sign of the Persona Non Grata. They had killed her, yet I had told the Boys of their warning.
That's when I saw a note on the kitchen counter. It was written in blood.

Dear Y/N of the Night clan,
We know you have given the message to the Boys, but it was unanimously decided that we would kill one of your beloved people that we kidnapped, in order to show you that your choice between the Alliance and Persona Non Grata was crucial. We hope you understand how important this sacrifice is. You shall make your choice on your own, but if you choose the Alliance, we will kill the rest of your family as well.
We wish you the best as you make your choice.
Persona Non Grata

⚪︎ ◦ ☀︎ ☁︎☽ ◦ ⚪︎
Holy crap, guess you weren't expecting that.
Well anyways, here's yet another chapter for y'all to read. Hope you liked it!

𝖁𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊Where stories live. Discover now