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(um yeah I'm quaking pretend that the black outfit is armor

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(um yeah I'm quaking pretend that the black outfit is armor... ok thanks)
"The council has demanded that every single person of magic folk that is over 18 and under 70 years old will gather their belongings and come to the graveyard of Persona Non Grata victims. We will attack their base. If you do not come, you will be violating the Council Law and will be punished. All children and elders will be kept at the safe house in Spain, far away from the base. Bring any and all weapons, for we will need any and all strength. They are great in numbers and have hypnotized many metulopes and some of our own to fight against us. Be at the graveyard by tomorrow."
The words rang in my ears as Yoongi used the salt circle from before to cast a transportation spell.
"Get in the salt circle and join hands." He said. I joined hands with Yoongi and Y/N, looking around the circle. The room felt empty until Jungkook joined hands on the other side of Y/N, my heart pinching slightly. I felt heat against my back, scorching my skin as Yoongi's eyes turn a glowing purple and the sparks fly around the circle. I felt my bones burning, unbearable heat coursing through my veins so hot that it felt icy. I fought the urge to whimper, tightening my grip on Y/N's hand. My eyes shut tight as the light got brighter, the backs of my eyelids slowly turning white. Crackles and sizzles filled my ears as the fire grew, deafening to the point where I thought my ears would bleed. My head spun and everything suddenly went black, my thoughts flatlined.
Then it was over. A gentle wind blew, cooling off the sweat that had covered my back and soaked my shirt. A shiver went down my spine as I opened my eyes to see our small circle, unlatching our hands and examining the space around us.
"Welcome, informers." Savant chuckled as he approached us, his footsteps crunching in the grass. He was in black leather gear that covered every inch of skin from his jaw to his toes. "You're the first to arrive."
"Are we going to get gear like that?" Jimin blurted and Savant looked down at his own gear, then for the first time I saw him actually smile.
"Actually, yes you will. We're having the kids and elders that stay in Spain make leather gear as a gift." He pointed at a young lady with pink skin and dark hair, dark pink sparks flying from her hands as her magic conjured leather pants. "That is Estella. She's the one that is transporting all of the gear from Spain to here. Make sure to get everything in your size and then go to a tent to change." He snapped his fingers suddenly and rows and rows of tents of all shapes and sizes filled the park. "Take your pick."
I follow Yoongi to the warlock and she greets us with a warm smile. "What size?" She asked, her voice singsongy as she conjured a leather boot.
"Medium, 9 for boots." Yoongi said quickly and the woman handed him a jacket, pants and boots in his size. He walked away and I walked forward.
"Oh, hey cutie, what's your size?" I felt her stare at me, her lips curving into a smirk and my shoulders tense up.
"Size 10 and medium..." My cheeks flare with heat as she hands me clothes, giggling at me.
I look around for Yoongi and spot him eyeing a blue tent that was small and in the corner. "Yoongi-hyung! Where are we staying?"
"I don't know! Pick anywhere away from that blue tent." He pointed and then Jungkook steps in front of me, waving for me to follow him.
"Let's pick the big black one in the center." He said as he walked over, unzipping the front. "You change first, I'll wait outside."
I go in, quickly changing into the clothes I was given and getting out as soon as possible so that Jungkook could change. The boots felt awkward but sturdy as the grass crunches underneath my weight. I look around and find Y/N coming out of a purple tent right next to ours.
"You're not staying with us?" I call out and her head turns to me quickly.
"Oh, no I was just changing." She blushed, "Unless you want me to stay here, cuz it seems like it could get crowded in there."
"Oh no no I thought you were staying in that one instead of here. I-" I scratch the back of my neck as my cheeks grow hotter when my eyes look over her gear. She was small, but the gear fit her tightly, smoothing over her body like butter on bread. I looked back up to her face, but she was gazing at my torso, her eyes wide.
I clear my throat and she suddenly comes back to earth, "Um, it doesn't really feel like we're going to go to battle tomorrow. It mostly feels like we're playing dress up or camping out here just to go home tomorrow." She looked back up to me. I realize with a jolt that she's right, it feels like we aren't going to fight tomorrow and all of this is just a dream waiting for me to wake up.
There was silence between us until she spoke up again, "I thought it was weird that Savant seems to be enjoying himself so much." She scrunched her nose gently which made me fight the urge to kiss it.
"Yeah, that was pretty weird. He seems like a war buff, so maybe it's just the excitement over the fact that he's going to battle again after over a century." I shrug lightly and watch her as she smiles, my heart racing.
Jungkook comes back out of the tent, walking over to us. How great.
"Did you bring weapons?" He asked seriously, his eyes blazing as he stared between me and Y/N.
"I did." Y/N chimes in, patting her hip.
"I didn't, I'm going to end up ruining this gear when I change anyways." I state and hear Y/N chuckle again. My heart pounds in my chest at the sound.
"Savant told me that the gear was charmed so that when the werewolves transform it transforms with you. Prevents werewolves from wasting the resources and protects them too." Jungkook eyed me seriously.
"Oh really? That's amazing! I wonder what it looks like when it transforms!" Y/N says excitedly, catching the attention of Jungkook.
"Yeah, I thought it was fascinating too." He smiled and jerked his head. "Come on, more people are showing up. It would be better to make allies to help during battle." He said and headed toward the area where Estella gave out the gear. We sat and watched as everyone filed in, taking their tents and preparing for tomorrow.
⚪︎ ◦ ☀︎ ☁︎☽ ◦ ⚪︎
Once everyone settled in, it was dinner time. Savant guided us to a large bon fire that was set up, with many people sitting in a large circle, thousands upon thousands of people standing or sitting around. He then asked for silence, sparks flying from his hands as he cast a spell.
"Hello, can everyone understand me?" He spoke, his hand on his throat and looked around as everyone nodded.
"I know that all of this is sudden, but we have limited time until the Bloodglades attack us again. So we will attack first. I trust that all of you are preparing and eating well for the next few hours until it is time to attack, so we are all at our best state." He pauses and snaps his fingers. Food appears in front of us, all in variation to the appetite of the person. In my hands there was beef and chicken, warm to the touch.
"Eat and sleep well, and make sure to train in the last hours before battle. Carry on." He left from the center and everyone ate their meals, talking in slow conversation.
Jungkook and Y/N sat beside me as we ate. "You got meat?" She asked me and I nod my head, curious as to what she and Jungkook got.
"What did guys get?" I took a bite into the beef in my hands.
"I got a warm blood bag." Y/N said, scrunching her nose, "It's like vampires are a joke to them."
"To be fair, I got a dead animal." Jungkook chimed in, holding up a rat by its tail. (IM SORRYBSHSJSJSJ)
"Wow." I burst out laughing and the two just stare at me, "What? Oh come on that's kind of funny." Jungkook started to smile while Y/N just looked between us in disappointment.
"Oh come on, they really could treat us better than this. Maybe with actual food."
"They're just trying to get us into a good state. You need blood, so they gave you blood." I pointed out and Y/N nodded slowly.
"I guess so..."
A girl came up to us and sat with us, her hair a startling cobalt blue. "Hey, mind if I join you guys for a while? I don't have anyone to talk to..."
"Yeah of course!" Y/N nodded and the girl's eyes widened, she smiled bright and looked at each of us.
"Thank you! My name is Ridley." She said softly, her eyes stopping on Jungkook and she blushed softly.
"I'm Y/N, this is Taehyung, and that's Jungkook." Y/N said brightly. "Jimin and Yoongi are somewhere around here." She looked around, but when she didn't see them she just shrugged and looked back at Ridley. "Are you a fairy?"
"Oh no!" She laughed softly, then held her hand up, a ball of blue sparks twirling in her hand. "I'm a witch, or warlock, or whatever you call it."
Jungkook looked at the ball in awe as Y/N kept talking, "Oh cool! Taehyung is a werewolf, and me and Jungkook are vampires." She said, talking as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
The night went on like that, Ridley and Y/N talking as if our worlds weren't likely going to end tomorrow. I had to peel both me and Jungkook away to train before tomorrow. We worked hard until Savant had established our curfew and we went back to our tents.
I lay down on the makeshift bed and feel a stab of pain when I realize this might be the last night that I'll ever live. That I'll ever see Y/N's face as she lays next to me, looking innocent and calm as if tomorrow would forever be a normal day. That I'll ever be with my brothers. I might never see the other three again.
I take a shaky breath and close my eyes, darkness and the sound of crickets boring my brain into a deep, unsettling sleep.

⚪︎ ◦ ☀︎ ☁︎☽ ◦ ⚪︎
Count how many times I say battle or war in this chapter lmao, I swear I think I said it more than 5
This chapter is so long lol I'm sorry, but the next few chapters will likely be long as well. Hopefully this didn't bore you lmao.
Also be sure that you're still staying happy and healthy during this very unsettling time of the coronavirus. I know it sucks but staying home really is the best option.
Make sure to vote and comment your thoughts if you enjoyed this chapter!!

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