chapter 2

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(selena is in class)

(teacher) okay so lets start with....

(justin walks in)

(teacher) justin your late

(justin) i no

(teacher) see me after class

(justin) sorry im taken

(everyone laughs but not selena)

(teacher) thats it detention satuday

(justin gets upset)

(he sits next to selena)

(justin) hey

(selena) hi

(justin) look sorry if i gave you the wrong impreshion

(selena) ehy dont worry about it

(selena stares at his tattos)

(selena bites her lip)

(justin sees her )

(justin) you like my tats?

(selena) what?

(justin laughs and looks away)

(selenas prov)
so justin came in late amd was talking back to the teacher he is bad but hes so hottttttttt
i was staring at his hot tattos and omg he looks so hot....did i say that alrready?
but i cant like him i cant hes bad.........maybe not all bad?

(justins prov) so i came in late in class whoe cares? i talked back to the teacher got detention on saturday i dont care...i sit right next to selena shes shes beautifull....i caught her staring at my tattoos...i no she likes me...i like her to....shes the most beautifull girl i have ever laid eyes on

after class

(justin) hey selly bear want to sis next to me in lunch?

(selena laughs bc he called her selly bear)

(justin) i love that preatty smile of yours

(selena smiles)

(selena) sorry but.......noope

(justin) hey why?

(justin sees her sit with demi and thinks thats why)

(demi) hey girl whats up?

(selena) nothing much

(demi sighs)

(selena) what/?

(demi points behind her)

(selena) justin???

(justin sits)

(justin) hey

(selena) what are you doing here? i said you cant sit with me

(justin) correction you said you wont sit with me but that dont mean i cant sit with you

(justin smiles and eats his food)

(selena smiles while looking at justin)

(demi smiles and think hes so sweet..but still a bad boy)

(demi) so selena are we up for tonoght?

(justin looks up)

(justin0 whats tonight?

(selena) we are having a sleepover

(justin) can i come?

(demi) no its for girls only

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