Chapter 12

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The next day

(Selena wakes up in nialls arms in the couch)

(Selena gets up and leaves)

(Niall wakes up)

(Nial) hey need a ride to school?

(Selena) yeah

(Niall) okay let me change and we will go

(Selena) okay

(Later on)

(Niall) okay lets go

(At school Niall is parked in the parking lot)

(Selena) everyone will be looking at me

(Niall) wanna make justin jealous?

(Selena) he'll yeah I do

(Niall laughs)

(Niall) okay follow my lead

(Niall and selena get out of car holding hands)

(Everyone is looking)

(Selena) we are so going to make him jelaous

(Niall) and to top it off maybe we could kiss

(Selena) sure but when he is here

(They go Tim class and Niall sits next to her and Justin is next to her to)

(Selena stares at Justin and sees his arm full of tattos he has two sleave tattos now. Selena thinks man he's more hot than ever)

(Justin) hey selena

(Selena turns around and makes out with Niall)

(Teacher) selena stop that

(Selena does not stop)

(Justin gets jelaous)

(Teacher) selena stop now or your going to detention

(Selena stops)

(Teacher) thank you

(Justin whispers to selena)

(Justin) do you like my tats?

(Selena laughs)

(Justin) what?

(Selena turns to justin)

(Selena) your pathetic

(Justin gets upset)

(Niall holds selena hand not because he wants to make Justin jelaous it's because he likes her)

(Justin sees)

(Justin) wow your a slut already have a boyfriend after what happend between us. Your a slut

(Justin said that because he's jelaous)

(Selena) may I use the bathroom

(Justin) me too

(Teacher) don't take too long

(Selena) thank you

(Selena runs out)

(Justin runs after her)

(Justin) selena wait I didn't mean to

(Selena turns around)

(Selena) oh like how you did not mean to sleep with catlin??? If you love me you wouldn't sleep with anyone else and you would not call me a slut!!!
Thank god school is almost over because I car wait to get away form you

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