chapter 28

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the next day

(jusin wakes up)

(justin) selena???

(justin jumps out of bed and looks for her. he finds her in joshs room holding josh)

(justin is watching her)

(selena smiles at josh)

(selena) im so glad i have you......

(josh makes baby noices)

(selena kiss josh)

(selena) i wish your brother was here

(selena puts him back in his crib and turns around)

(selena) oh hey justin.....

(justin smiles and hugs selena)

(justin) are you okay???

(selena) no....i wish i ddint lose breaks my heart...

(justin) i no.......

(selena) im gonna go make josh milk

(justin) alright....

(selena gose in the kitchen and makes josh warm milk so he will sleep)

(selena) so will rose come home today or......

(justin) just a few more days she really likes pattie

(selena smiles)

(selena) can you feed josh this milk?

(justin nods)

(justin) sure....

(justin feeds josh his warm milk and 10 mins later he falls asleep)

(justin puts him in his crib)

(selena is laying on the bed justin come lay down with her and cuddles with her)

(justin kiss selenas neck)

(justin) you alright baby?

(selena) no justin im not.....i feel its my fault that the other baby didint make it.......i feel bad justin....

(justin sighs)

(justin) selena you no its not your fault its just life

(justin brushs her hair with his fingers)

(selena) i no........but dont you wonder what it be like if he did make it.....

(justin) of course i do selly...........but we have to be strong for rose and josh

(selena turns around)

(selena) i no....

(selena kiss justin)

(justin) please dont ever hurt yourself again

(selena) i wont justin i promise

(justin smiles and kiss selena)

(later on)

(justin gets up from bed)

(selena looks at justin)

(selena) were you going?

(justin) i just need some air...

(selena nods)

(justin goes out side)

(justin texts catlin)

(justins text)
do i really have to tell her now?

(caitlins text)
yes!!!!! before its too late!!!!!!

(justin sighs)

(justins text)

(selena hugs justin from behind)

(justin puts his phone in his pocket)

(justin turns around and hugs selly)

(justin) are you okay?

(selena) justin stop saying that you no im not........

(justin) i no sorry......

(selena sighs)

(selena) i just need to see my mom alone........i need to talk with her i think it will  make me feel better....

(justin) selena?

(selena) yeah?

(justin) please sit down on the couch i have to tell you something.....

(selena and justin go back in the house)

(selena sits)

(selena) whats wrong?

(justin looks down)

(justin) i was not going to tell you now but i have too......

(selena) what is it?

(justin) the night we hade a fight and i left and brought rose with me....i kinda.........hooked up with caitlin and shes pregnent thats why i was spending time with her....shes going to  have a abortion so you dont have to sorry

(selena stands up mad)

(selena) WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! justin how could you?

(selena walks away)

(justin grabs selenas wrist)

(justin) sel im sorry

(selena) you have a baby with somebody else justin how could you!!!!!! and you slept with caitlin it hade to be her........i hate you justin i hate you!!!!!!

(justin) selena im sorry it was a mistake

(selena) you no what was a mistake meeting you was 

(selena walks out of the house with her car keys)

(justin) were you going?

(selena) im going to my moms for a few days justin you can take care of josh for a while

(selena goes in her car)

(justin) selena we need you please dont do this josh needs you!!!!! i need you....

(selena drives away)

(justin sees selena is driving fast)



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