chapter 16

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(selena unlocks the door and goes in)

(somebody grabs selena and selena gasps)

(its justin.)

(justin lets go of her)

(selena) justin you freaking idiot you scared the crap out of me you jerk ugh

(justin is just laughing)

(selena) that is not funny

(justin sits on the counter and grabs selena close to him)

(jjustin) im sorry babe please forgive me about what happend with catlin

(selena) no

(justin gets off counter)

(justin) fine you leave me no choice

(justin puts his hand down selenas pants and rubs her vag)

(selena gasps)

(selena) justin stop

(justin pulls down her pants and pantys and puts her on the counter and eats her out)

(selena moans)

(selena) justinnnn stoppppp

(justin carries her in bed and takes her shirt off)

(justin) your gonna pay

(selena) justinnn

(justin licks her neck from her boobs and keeps sucking her boobs and sqweezes them

(selena moans out load)

(justin then undresses and puts his dick on her face and rubs it)

(selena moasn more)

(selena) justinnnn

(justin laughs)

(justin than starts rubbing her clit and sucks it)

(selena moans more)

(justin than puts his dick in her and starts going slow and than fast and fast)

(selena) faster justin faster!!!!! please!!!!

(justin goes more fast)

(selena moans more)

(justin goes faster)

(selena moans)

(justin goes more faster and the bed is shaking alot))

(they both cum and stop)

(they both gasping for air)

(justin) forgive me?

(selena) of course

(they kiss)

(they are now making out)

(justin) i love you selena

(selena) i love you too justin

(they both smile)

(justin hold selenas hand)

(selena gets up and dresses)

(justin) babe come cuddle with me

(selena smiles)

(selena) im going to make dinner

(justin) what are we having?

(selena) home made soup

(justin) sounds.......okay

(selena) your such a jerk

(justin) thank you

(selena laughs and goes into the kitchen)

(selena makes the homemade soup)

(justin hugs her from behind)

(justin) im so lucky to have you

(selena) im trying to cook

(justin) jeez meanie

(selena turns around and kiss him)

(selena) you no i love you

(justin) and you no i love you

(selena) get your but off the counter please

(justin smiles)

(justin) never

(justin prov)
when selena came back i just wannted to do a sneak attack on her and man was it funny. she got mad but whatever it was funny. i than put my hands down her pants and she gasped ha. i brang her to the bed and we had sex it was good. she forgave me after. i love her so freaking much. shes making dinner now and im just here staring at her shes so beautifull im so lucky to have her...........the thing is should i tell her that i messed up and smoked weed........ugh im a jerk........she will hate me....i will take her out tomorow to a romantic dinner and i will telll her than....i just hope i wont lose her shes my angel she is my everything i love her.

(selenas prov)
when i came in justin freaking attacked me after that we hade sex it was good.hes so hot i keep saying that but he is. i am lucky to have him. we have our fights but he always makes it up to me.i love him and i love our baby. im now making dinner for us. i already ate with niall but im still hungry and i got to feed justin. i love him and i cant wait untill we have our baby. we will be a family. a happy family.

(after shes done making dinner they are at the table eating)

(justin) wow selena this is really good

(selena smiles)

(selena) thanks its my moms recipe

(justin) i dont wanna kill the mood but i think you really have to tell her she deserves to no

(selena) i no justin dont worry i will tell her sometime this week.

(justin holds selenas hand)

(justin) im here if you need me selena please dont shut me out

(selena) i wont. thank you for being here justin i love you

(they kiss)

(after dinner they are at bed well justin is and selena is in bathroom)

(justin) come to bed sweetie

(selena comes out with pjs)

(selena goes in bed and kiss justin)

(justin) i love you selena marie gomez

(selena) and i love you justin drew bieber

(they hold hands while cuddling and fall asleep in each others arms)


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